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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Haunting or hunting? I just need to be clear what you're asking about. No I don't. What I find I document, and keep in files. If it's a residence with a family, I divulge what I have found to them, if anything at all. Other than that, any and all results from my investigations are private and confidential. There are so many haunting channels online that it has taken credibility away from the legitimate ones. I have no interest in people calling anything I find fake or staged.
  2. He's a Scot. That's been stated many times.
  3. I would hunt some of the more dangerous ones. Maybe La Llorona. I'd have to check my files and see which entities I've already investigated and documented before I could answer. I'm a paranormal investigator and have done a lot of cases. What do you mean by "in the process"?
  4. I've been tinkering with OBS for a little while now. It's a good editor, but at times difficult to figure out. The most of my experience is with Microsoft Movie Maker, which is just a simple program that came with windows. I can definitely help you there if you're willing to use it.
  5. The allure is mainly there because things are so different. You can see things there that you would never see on the surface web. I can tell you right now that snuff films are real. I've seen many down there. Mainly cartels killing narcs. They seem to prefer decapitations. The forums down there are often centered around things that even I won't go near. But some are centered around things that I enjoy talking about so I post on a few. I use more than one VPN and set them all to different locations from each others. My webcam is a USB connect that I can unplug any time. I use a TV as a monitor so there's no webcam installed on it. I'm also fairly well ghosted online. Those are some of the precautions that you need to take if you ever have any intent on going down there. You also need to first find a gate, and be able to navigate onion.
  6. I spend a lot of time on the dark web. Things down there are volatile to say the least. With every politician, especially the top government officials like a president or prime minister, there are a lot of assassination discussions down there. Some, I'm sure, are more of a plot and recruitment to actually try. I don't get involved in those discussions. The last thing I need is the feds knocking my door down. But aside from these kind of things, there are worse things down that than I can even mention. Not only would it violate the rules of VGR, but it would violate my own personal tenets and possibly even be illegal. Needless to say, if you aren't numb to the world, stay the hell away from the DW.
  7. I was browsing the Fanboy Expo Website today, and in April in Las Vegas, Amber Lee Connors is scheduled to be in attendance. I have no idea who the character from the game is, but I'm semi-familiar with her and her work. I wish I looked like her, as she's gorgeous, but that aside, it can't be ignored that she's extremely talented. So if you want to meet Viconia Devir, the event is April 22nd-24th. When we went to Knoxville a few years ago, tickets were both available online and at the door, so I see no reason why this would be any different. But all the same I would recommend getting them online in advance. Also the best day to go would be the 23rd as it's the middle day. Everything is set up and going. They're neither in the process of setting up, or tearing down, and it's all more fun. I'm going to try to talk @Rain Dew into going to the Columbus event, as there's a few there that I want to meet. Some I have met before and would love to see again.
  8. I never did a single update to my iPhone 5. It worked 10 years past its prime. The only reason it quit on me was because I left it in a locked car in the sun for about a week while @Rain Dew and I went to the Fanboy Expo in Knoxville Tennessee. A week during August, in the sun, in a locked vehicle with no ventilation. I'm surprised the seats hadn't melted. When we got back was also when I fell, so all in all the return sucked. But the trip was awesome.
  9. I saw this on another forum that is strictly about RDR2. There's a guy whose real life name is Colm O'Driscoll, and for a while he was getting hate mail in relation to the game. The link is to his Twitter page, and the post is from 2018, but still this is flat out nuts. Colm O'Driscoll Hate Mail
  10. Some people get off on showing glitches. There's whole videos all over YouTube that are strictly about game glitches. Hell on our channel we have a couple videos showing some of the glitches in RDR2. Most of the time they're nothing major, they're just annoying. Sometimes they're funny as hell. There was one that I seriously wish I had been recording when it happened. I was in Valentine, and from off screen a guy went flying across town level with the tops of the buildings as if Superman had punched him. The bullshit part was that I was the one that go the blame and that the cops came for.
  11. I don't know if "ignoring" is the right word. "Refusing to acknowledge the woman's rights because it threatens his superiority over women" is more accurate.
  12. 3 bedrooms 2 full bathrooms large living room small kitchen 2 car garage fenced back yard one story brick torn apart by dogs rat cages all over in several rooms video games everywhere
  13. For software, I don't know jack. The only thing I actually know is HTML. I taught myself HTML when I was 16. I know it fully, and tinker with it quite a bit, but haven't built a site in years. I actually took my website down a couple years ago, because traffic slowed down a lot and I just wasn't keeping up with it anymore. There was some Javascript in it, but the issue there was that while I can't write my own Javascript, I can manipulate a prewritten Javascript most of the time.
  14. I read a wide variety. Fiction mostly in the fantasy realm. One of my absolute favorite books for more than 20 years is Knight's Wyrd. As for writing, I've answered this on other threads but I'll go ahead and answer it again here. Yes I write. I've finished 2 full length novels, several short stories, and a hell of a lot of unconventional poetry.
  15. I sold my Honda years ago. It was a good bike. I've also owned scooters in the past, which are fun to ride around on. I would love to find another 49cc scooter. But they're not easy to find.
  16. I play the aulos, write, and weave. My main art is the written word though. I wish I could draw, but I'm so bad at it that I fuck up a stick figure.
  17. Writing. I've finished 2 full length novels, several short stories, and a hell of a lot of unconventional poetry. Weaving. I build my own looms of different sizes and create a lot of things. Playing the aulos. I'm good at it and can come up with some good music. Creating YouTube videos. Studying astronomy. I'm absolutely fascinated by it. My favorite planet within our solar system is Uranus. My favorite exoplanet is 55 Cancri e. That one is truly fascinating. But, HD 81817 b is unbelievable in its own right. I'm a hockey nut. My team is the Detroit Red Wings. Win or lose, I'll never abandon them. Collecting. I collect skulls and Zippos. I have so many skulls, that I've run out of places to put them. I have a few other minor things, but they're nothing big.
  18. I shop there. They're just as good as anywhere else, and cheaper as well. There's a Dollar General no more than a mile from my house. It's a great place to pick stuff up when you need it. But it seems that you look down on people who shop there by the tone of your questions.
  19. While they sound like typical humans to me, that doesn't mean I won't shiv them. I've done it before, and I would be happy to do it again.
  20. Full Metal Jacket was made 35 years ago. A lot has changed.
  21. Where in the hell did you get that? There's a few corrections that need to be mentioned here. The cooks I was talking about were extremely abusive people. I was never able to love them due to the abuse I received. I don't love, I hate. Sure there's an exception to every rule, but I hate people. I refuse to trust any human creature. I know they are all looking for the right spot to stab me in the back. Just because I like someone's food, doesn't mean I give a shit about them. For people like that, I have no heart. My sperm donor thankfully died 22 years ago, and I can only hope my egg donor is dead by now also. I cut them all out of my life many years ago. Everyone I have any kind of chromosomal link to. I neither need nor want them in my life. I have enough issues of my own, without their bullshit drama. If I loved, I would be dead. Don't ask, because I'm not going to get into it as it's no ones business, but trust me I would have been killed by my own. What you would call "family" does not exist in my world. There is no such thing. There are people that hate you, and there are people that beat you. You share DNA with them. There's nothing else. Absolutely. Nothing. Else.
  22. You may throw these people a ball, but I sure as hell won't. They can play with their ass and find their own damn ball.
  23. I stand corrected. I honestly couldn't find any mention anywhere of Blu-ray on any of my Xbox One games or on @Rain Dew's Xbox One games. But I felt the edges, and they're rounded instead of sharp, and as far as I know, only Blu-ray discs are rounded at the edge. So that's enough evidence for me. Especially when our resident tech guru confirms it!
  24. Thank you. If that's not offensive then the Washington Honkys or Washington Niggers wouldnt be offensive either. If you aren't part of >insert ethnicity< then you can never know what's offensive. A lot of black people use that word casually, often as a greeting to each other. But I guarantee they would ALL be pissed if a team was named that. The NAACP would be exploding in protest. And a lot of white people find the word Honky just as offensive. I am one. I'm a lily white cracker gray bitch, but I won't tolerate being called Honky. I've knocked people out for that. TL/DR - Until you walk in a person's shoes, don't try to say what's offensive to them.
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