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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. I think that was a purpose xD due to copyrights they couldnt look like the movie characters but at the same time they had to look like them a little bit to take advantage of the popularity. Anyway yeah it kinda feels like a shit game but who knows.
  2. The microtransaction system already existed before battle royale and its not exclusive to battle royale, hell microtransactions are in Read Dead 2 which is considered one of the greatest games of last year.
  3. Just so we are clear, what are we refering to as mainstream here? Because none of the songs that I consider mainstream ever talk about sex money or drugs
  4. I actually like Battle royale, I only like apex legends and cod blackout but I dont think the trend is bad , its just over-exploited. I did used to not like battle royale but that was a time when the only popular ones where Fortnite and PUBG, after cod blackout and apex legends arrived I started to enjoy the genre.
  5. I think I'm the only mainstream listener here 😆 I do enjoy the songs a few underground rock bands but I mostly listen to mainstream regardless of the genre, guess I dont spent that much time looking for new underground bands.
  6. Yeah it has that vibe, I dont know, hopefully not.
  7. What should we expect for Comic con this year ? I havent been following the event in the last two years I think, so I was wondering what should we expect this year aside from Starwars, IT part 2 and maybe the Joker movie
  8. it was good yes but I still want that animation from season one back xD, but yeah hopefully they will keep it up
  9. I think the last one I played was Super mash flash about a month ago
  10. Yeah I was also hoping for this game to be on PS4 nah dude I dont think any windows based pc will run this new game 😆, I'm no expert on pc gaming but I'm guessing the pc will need to have some degree of gaming power capability. I mean yeah Age of empire and age of mythology will run on almost everything but these games came out almost 20 years ago.
  11. Burnout paradise and God of War 3 remastered last week
  12. Apex Legends, I'm enjoying the new changes of season 2.
  13. Lets get political, what do you guys think about illegal immigration in general ? is it good, bad , acceptable or totally against it ? Personal anecdote: I live in Tijuana Mexico, this a city right next to the California Border with USA, I can actually see SanDiego from my house 😆 , I live in a high area of the city, the city itself is a bunch of hills. Anyway for obvious reasons the city is a hotspot for immigration, recently we had two major immigration waves from people of Haiti and several central america countries, the Haitians came in first, very quite people, well obviously they dont speak the language but very respectful, most of them got denied the entrance to the USA so they got stuck in our city, nowadays you can see them anywhere in the city working in almost everything, some of them actually became Mexicans. The second waive was of several central america countries Guatemala , Honduras, El Salvador etc, as well they asked for asylum and it got denied, But a problem occurred weeks later, a group of them tried to storm in by force through the border, first the broke through the barriers of the Mexican police but got stopped at the USA border, some tried to jump over the fence but they where attacked by tear gas and rubber bullets, at the end they where not able to get through and some of them got arrested.This was on Black Friday of last year, me and my girlfriend where actually on Sandiego that day shopping and when we tried to go back to Mexico we found out that the border was closed and even the US army or National guard I guess was blocking the access, we stuck in San diego until the next morning. I do need to mention that this was a group of about 200-300 people but this was not the majority of the immigrants that arrived to the city , since the number of immigrants that arrived at the city where actually between 4000-6000 people , so the violent group was only a small minority of the caravan, most of the central american immigrants did tried to seek asylum legally and in peace.
  14. Did I missed it or has the Xbox Games with Gold for July 2019 haven't been presented ? I have an xbox live subscription card for one month laying around that I've been meaning to use to get a good free game for Xbox 360, but lately there hasnt been anything good.
  15. Life of Brian 9-10 Always Look on the Bright Side of Life 🎵 🤣
  16. avatar the last airbender movie?
  17. Are you asking whats the favorite zombie game or whats your favorite RPG? I dont get your question😕 Resident Evil 4 this is my favorite zombie game
  18. TMNT Turtles in time, damn I hadnt played this game in many years, I was able to make it to the second boss without dying 😁
  19. Well it seems the US government will implement new tariffs on Videogame consoles coming from China , about 25% of tariffs, this is due the ongoing comercial "war" between China and the USA, I buy most of my gaming stuff from the USA so I'm not sure how this will affect the prices in the future. What do you guys think of all this ?
  20. I was just watching some gameplay about Little Nightmares and this game gave me the creeps, Has somebody here played this game ?
  21. there are rumors that Michael B. Jordan will replace Keanu as the lead in the prequel movie.
  22. Do you think that game subscriptions are worth it ? We have options like Xbox Pass, Playstation now and the upcoming Stadia, but are these services worth their investment ? I dont think they are worth it unless you are a hardcore gamer that plays most of the day.
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