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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Destroy all humans, well to be honest I did not know that the game was going to be presented.
  2. Me to Bethesda : WHEN!!!!!!???? Bethesda response: SOOONN!!!!
  3. I will definitely try this the next time I play, its funny I have been playing Skyrim at least for the last 4 years and this is the first time I learn this.
  4. Yeah those kinds of dreams can be annoying or super weird, I did not know that they where called the tetris effect.
  5. The E3 event for this year is basically over and a few items where missing from the show like Bayonetta or Metroid Prime 4. What absent game you wanted to see in E3 ? I really wanted to see another teaser about The Elder Scrolls 6, even if it was just a mere 10 second teaser a wanted to see more about it, I know that Betheseda confirmed that it was not going to appear on E3 this year but I really wanted to see more.
  6. Great review, sad to know that the game is not that good.
  7. Okay that I didnt know, you can use torchs ???!!
  8. I'm still waiting the day for the I-drink aka apple juice from Apple co.
  9. Lets not forget that the game is now an Epic exclusive and there are not going to be any refunds for those who pre-ordered the game on Steam. The game was also crowdfunded.
  10. Yeah the difference between him and Kratos is that the spartan was trying to save his city and well Kratos was just butthurt because he was trowed off Olympus 😂
  11. It did happened to me with Skyrim, GTA V, a couple of times as well with Halo 3 and Gears 3 from back in the day when I used to play all night online, I remember that at one point I dodged a grenade in my sleep and almost fell down from my bed 🤣 (I did dodged it though )
  12. Yes hopefully it will be as good as the ones on the ps2😁
  13. Yeah the game itself was hilarious 😁 hopefully it will be the same quality, some of the other sequels where very bad
  14. I'm currently having the same issue, I just tend to play for about an hour and then let it cool down for half an hour, or you can try putting a fan behind it but thats going to leave it all dusty.
  15. Yeah in most battles Genos looks super deformed
  16. True I dont think any FPS casual player will even know what Starcraft is about even less the lore of the game, shit even I dont know much about it I have only played it a couple of times
  17. I would like to see that game 😂
  18. Horizon Zero Dawn - Beautiful game
  19. true I heard it before but I'm not sure what actual story is based of.
  20. Well yes you can play Xbox games on your PC but thats digital games only, not the actual disc.
  21. Well its for PC as well but its being published by Microsoft thats why is coming up with the Xbox ONE logo.
  22. I think its only one of the missions on GTA Sanandreas
  23. The Zelda BTOW sequel was the best news so far 😁
  24. HOLY SHIT FUCK YEAH!!! Travis is back baby, I'm a big fan of the previous two games on the Wii.
  25. Well I'm just surprised that after 8 years the Nintendo Wii is still getting games 😂
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