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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Really Pattison the safer choice ? how many actors they interviewed ? I really hope that I'm wrong and hopefully I'm overreascting but I had the same though about Affleck and well his Bruce Wayne wasnt bad but his Batman was very meh...
  2. Just started Dark Souls 2
  3. I just purchased Dark Souls 2 (my fist soul game) , Bioshock (because of the comments I see here ) Borderlands 2 (because the 3 is coming up and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to afford it) and Dead space 2. I really wanted to play the first one of each but for some reason Gamestop had those with double the price but I got all 4 for just 10 dollars.
  4. True to that there is nothing like playing with the original console to feed that nostalgia, I had my fair of issues trying to get working consoles and fixing some others thats why I dont like owning retro-consoles.
  5. It has indeed, I really wanted to see Jon Hamm (Mad Men) as Batman.
  6. Its official Robert Pattison is the New Batman, I dont like this whole young Batman idea and of course I'm not happy with the pick for the role but I really hope that I'm wrong.
  7. I liked that move from Sony that they will still release some of their major games on the PS4 , thruth many people purchased PS4's and it will be a waste to not take advantage of that. I barely got mine last Christmas and I was loosing my mind when the PS5 was announced a few months later.
  8. EA & Respaw are bringing a new event to Apex Legends prior Season 2 called the Legendary Hunt, players will be able to access an elite queue where they can challenge the best players around and of course you will be able to complete challenges to earn legendary skins for both your Legend and for weapons. I dont think I will qualify for the "Elite" queue 🤣 but it sounds fun.
  9. I'm going to skip going 100% on Batman Arkham city, there is 282 Riddler's puzzles and I barely have half of them and the ending mission for getting all the trophies is not really worth it.
  10. yeah for nostalgia o collectors retro consoles do have a great value, but if we think about it all hardware will end up being defective one day, I know that from experience ,somewhere back in my parents house there is a NES & SNES laying around. Retro consoles where made sturdier yes but they too have a limit and even those that work fine today sooner or later will stop working. Nostalgia is also very important for me thats why I have my modded Wii with most of my favorite NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube and Wii games, but I guess the games themselves are more important to me rather than the console itself or playing with the original hardware.
  11. Also in Skyrim almost everybody has the same voice actor 🤣, its understandable.
  12. It depends on the game, in Skyrim I'm Ragnar (Vikings TV series).
  13. Harley Queen's positive pregnancy test in the corner of the room in Batman Arkham City, and then a bunch of negative tests after the Joker dies (and also after Batman punched her in the stomach)
  14. Most of it until season 6 was great, season 7 was very good also but a few thing here and there that I didnt liked. Season 8 it felt very rushed, the battle of Winterfell was to short for my taste I feel like it needed at least another episode and it was disappointing that the series didnt ended with the White walkers. Daenerys going all evil crazy wasnt bad but again it felt too rushed.
  15. The slow motion on Max Payne was very awesome at the time.
  16. Yeah I never quite liked warhammers in Skyrim, they are super slow and you are wide open before and after the swing. Yeah its like using a pellet gun. You are right there are always challenge weapons in games and some might be fun or others even worth it despite the cons it has, but a gun like this is just pure garbage.
  17. I dont think cloud gaming will be the future, at least thats not the future I would like, I would much rather purchase my game and keep it on my hard drive. (I'm not sure if i'm getting the cloud gaming concept right) . Retro consoles will get more expensive with time I will agree on that but from my experience investing in an old console is not worth it, mainly because they tend to fail since they are quite old, besides emulators are more easy and cheap way of playing classic games.
  18. This is actually common sense on any console...
  19. I rushed through Batman Arkham city main story because I wanted to play the side missions with the different costumes. This was my second playthrough though, the first time I took my sweet time.
  20. Just finished the main story of Batman: Arkham City, now its time for the side missions but with the different costumes 😁
  21. I dont think there is such thing as a gaming disorder, people who get "addicted" to videogames are simply people who are too lazy and rather play games instead of working or doing something productive for their life.
  22. I'm not a fan of paying for DLCs but if I had to it will be for something related to the story of the game and of course that it holds up to the quality of the main game. I'm against DLCs that are the "true" ending of the game, thats just paying for the goddamn ending.
  23. What? What do you mean by "Those cartridge used to require a lot of shake some of the times when they used to hang"
  24. What the fuck was that xD , it looks nice though. https://youtu.be/piIgkJWDuQg
  25. Just a couple of minutes I guess, I might confuse the controllers here and there a few times but it doesnt take to long. Normally its the FPS or switching from Skyrim to Fallout what confuses me.
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