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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. On mobile I dont know but you can install a SNES emulator and play the WWF games
  2. I know, I remember trying this for the first time in New Vegas and I remember it made the game more of a hassle rather than fun, same thing with Skyrim Ah yes the good old Tamagitchi xD mine never made it past a week, I never played Kingdom come deliverance before but I do want to try it eventually. Really hahahaha so does the truck actually stop or does the conductor just keeps going? True many games nowadays do have some sort of survival gameplay implemented, some more than others, some only require to have a specific outfit or armor for different weather scenarios or areas and others like Baldur's Gate that require you to rest or like in RDR 2 were you need to eat constantly or your character will get slimmer (or fat) over time. Btw I only played Baldurs gate once and honestly I didnt like it that much. I know I always had the same problem with Arthur, but funny enough on the online mode my character is very overweight xD As well I agree I alwats take care of my horse more than anything , in the main game I tried to maintain my honor high, and online I tried to do the opposite but I had to constantly kill peasants because even if I had low honor I didnt want to leave my horse unattended.
  3. Fried shrimp Eeve xD, thats just a fake scan from aprils fools (I hope..) But there has a been a lot of awfully design pokemons, like the Icecream, the key chains, the fucking garbage pokemon, or the penguin with an icecube head!!
  4. I think 2gb is the minimum requirement for mobile, but I believe what matters the most is processor and the game itself.
  5. Yeah me too Its on PC only The game that I wish was on Playstation (actually its not even out yet) Is Starfield, so far bethesda is only going to release the game on Xbox and PC, I dont know if they will ever release this on other consoles.
  6. It took me a while to find this post 😆 Replying to the original topic. My wife and I were playing It Takes Two last night, for a little bit of context the game is like a Toy Story movie were toys and objects come to life, anyway there is a part in the game were we have to kill the favorite toy of the character's daughter which is a stuffed elephant called Queen Cutie and well she is indeed cute and innocent and we have to kill her...first we rip off her leg...then she tries to crawl away from us so we have to drag her and in the proces we also tear her ear apart and the we finally push her off the ledge... That shit was traumatizing. I believe that at one point in the game we might end up reviving or fixing poor Queen Cutie but still I cant beleive this is a family game, that mission was too dark xD PS: PLEASE LETS KEEP THE COMMENTS ABOUT THE TOPIC!!
  7. Excelent game, John's story is also very emotional, very underated nowadays. The last game I played with my wife was It Takes two, we played the mision were we kill Queen Cutie...I think we are going to need threapy after playing through that hahaha xD
  8. Im fucking ready!!!!! 😆 Blood will be spilled for that 5 dollar gift card!!!
  9. Both contendants must fight each other to death...💀
  10. Earlier today while playing Red Redemption I was feeding my character cause he was hungry, but at the same time I myself was starving cause I had only had a coffee and no breakfeast. 😆 Anyway there is a bunch of games where you have to constantly check your character's well being like making sure they are not cold or hot by having the appropiate clothing like in Red Dead Redemption 2 or Zelda Breath of the Wild or the survival moden in Skyrim and Fallout New vegas where you also have to be carefull with the weather and also making sure of feeding your character and making sure that they get some ingame sleep. Do you know of any other games like this?
  11. Green Ranger for president babyy!!!
  12. New pokemon forms revealed today April 1st. Sex toy Rotom , Coronavirus Marill and a new Eeve evolution Fried shrimp type xD
  13. I agree, if something happens to my switch I dont know what I would do (probably get another one xD) But I myself I dont like taking my switch with me when I go out, Im afraid something will happen and I end up losing it or something.
  14. Honestly I have never cleaned my console, I mean some times I do sweep the dust from the top but I have never game my consoles any type of maintenance, probably thats the reason why they dont last me that long xD
  15. Yeah thats what I was wondering myself, are these real people or just bots copying posts from other places? For example the post were they copied the member of the month thread I mean it says right there VGR, dont they read these things ? If someone was copying posts from other forums wouldnt be logical to read it first to make sure there is nothing related to the original forum ? Im starting to think these are just bots and not actual people.
  16. Thats one fine Thats one fine game, I never got around to finish it. Playing DragonBall Fighter Z and Pokemon Gaia
  17. E3 2022 has been offically cancelled including the digital even that was originally planned for this year. Honestly in my opinion the event has been loosing strenght over the years, mostly likely we will not see the an E3 again in a long time https://www.gamespot.com/articles/e3-2022-has-been-canceled-including-its-digital-only-component/1100-6502074/
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