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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Well nowadays digital games are actually cheaper than most physical releases for the most part. Its been a while since I have purchased a physical game since digital has been a lot cheaper. For example GTA V on the playstation store digital is currently selling at 14.99 US dollars, but at retailers like Walmart, Gamestop or Target is selling for 20 US dollars and it has been like that for a while. Yes some times there are special promotions for physical releases but the digital promotions appear more often. In some rare cases (very rare) physical games are cheaper than digital like for example at Gamestop they were selling some Fifa games and other sport games like for 1 dollar.
  2. Thats why I was asking you if you had actually read the twitter post , and also Cold Odriscoll is a male name...
  3. Well the series is out in Netflix now, I just binge through it, it was kinda short though , I was expecting more chapters, but anyway its was great had so much fun with it I will say 10/10 it really captures the cuphead vibe.
  4. Okay thats the part I dont get from your comments. First what do you mean by aid his/her view ? The guy who made the post is a MAN named Colm Odriscoll and he is not asking for help or anything, he is also making fun of the bizarre situation, he is not upset about it (as far as I can tell). And what do you mean by users blasting him on the comment section ? I read the comment section of that twitter post and everyone is just making fun of it, nobody is taking it seriously. This is all a joke, nobody is making hatefull messages seriously they are all joking around.
  5. kingpotato


    You should get a pair, I just recently got a pair of 10lbs and 20lbs to workout at home. They are not as good quality like the ones at a gym but they do the job. And as for being buff I dont think its possible with our lifestyle xD the buff guys at my gym are there every single day, I dont think they even have a life outside the gym.
  6. I found my new favorite hobby, playing Yugioh Master duel
  7. If you had to live in a post apocalyptic, which one would you choose ?
  8. If you could have a superpower what would it be ?
  9. Have you ever had a paranormal encounter ?
  10. If you could live in an anime world BUT as a background character, on what world would you like to live and not to live in ?
  11. If you were a Monster/Demon hunter what creature, monster demon or ghost etc would you hunt first ?
  12. Name a song that you love but you are embarrased about it . I will give you an example I love Umbrella from Rhiana, but Im a dude so I cant be singing that out loud xD
  13. If you could do voice over, what character would you like to voice or on what cartoon or video game franchise would you like to work on doing voice work ?
  14. Definitely not Lydia xD I will say Serana, she has high destruction magic stats and she uses her necromancy magic regurlarly so that helps when fighting multiple enemies. There are other vampire followers but Serana is very overpowered, and if you do dawnguard early you can get powerfull follower early in the game.
  15. I think you are still not getting the point of the publication (or maybe its just me) But this whole thing is a joke, not a serious threat, basically he shares the name with one of the antagonist from RDR2 and people are sending him hate messages as if he was the antagonist from the game, he is not being threaten seriously and the real life Colm knows that.
  16. What do you mean, who is getting blackmailed ? You do understand that the whole situtation is a joke right ? The people who are sending him hate mail are not serious about it. Did you actually checked the original twitter post ?
  17. What do you mean he did nothing wrong? Fuck Colm O'Driscoll and his boys 😆
  18. The only thing that I didnt liked about Infinite is the final battle on top of the ship, I mean its simply a wave of enemies coming at you, for a game that has a good variety of enemies it was dissapointing that there was no final boss battle like in Bioshock 1, I mean Frank Fontaine wasnt exactly a great boss in the first game but at least it was better than having a simple wave of common enemies, and besides the second game had already done that and Infinite had all the characters and universe to give us a good final boss. Other than that I actually liked the story.
  19. I have also heard some people say that Majoras mask was not a true Zelda game. People want game franchises to change but when it changes they get upset, for example just recently Pokemon Arceus, same thing a lot of people came out saying that this was not a real pokemon game because there was no Pokemon League or gyms. The thing is no matter what they do with the game franchise there will always be people that are going to be upset.
  20. Thank you, its very important that we inform ourselves properly regarding vaccines. I know that a lot of people have concerns and I know what those concerns are, but all those rumors that we see on the internet are not true, the vaccine is not killing people, but Covid will kill you if your body is not strong enough. The vaccine will help your body defend itself against the virus. The only side effect of the vaccine will be a headache, a stiff arm and some fever, I had worse hangovers than that😆 Anyway, my man @Jayson I mean no disrespect, I know you have your concerns, and trust me at this point in the pandemic the vaccine has been tested already, People are not dying because of the side effects of the vaccine, they are dying because of covid and other health complications unrelated I invite you to do some research on the internet and you will find out that the pros are better than the cons. You stay safe my friend.
  21. Here is something I wanted to share. So my mom used to be very pro vaccination , I remember back during the influenza H1 N1 flu pandemic she was on top of the vaccine updates and made sure everybody in the family got vaccinated during the following years after that pandemic. I do have to clarify that at this point in time she didnt liked the internet. But then the Covid pandemic started, at this point since she is older and in the vulnerable group she stopped working, since she was at home most of the times I got her a tablet to pass the time. Then by the time the first vaccine was announced she was afraid and againts it, by that point I didnt tough much about it but as the time passed she started getting these ideas that the goverment was killing or controlling people, that 5g was bad (she has a 5g phone 😆)and a whole bunch of stuff like that. Thats when we notice that she had gone on youtube and had watch constantly watch different youtube channels providing this kind of information. She does believe Covid exist, she is not an anti mask, she is actually very afraid of covid, but at the same time she is more afraid of the vaccine even though most of my family already got vaccinated months ago without any issues. Im still trying to convince her to get vaccinated, and I created another youtube account for her , so I can monitor what she sees (now I feel like the parent), she does take all the precautions but that is not enough, and she still has those dumb ideas without proofs or any type of logical foundation to them. I love my mom but when she brings up these topics is like talking to a wall.
  22. There is been a few, not really bad conventions but a few stuff that I came a cross. During my highschool days I used to go to every anime convention in town. For example there is an ongoing joke that nerds that go anime conventions stink or smell. Well thats in part true, there has been multiple times that you pass by someone usually boys , and oh man they smell, like their clothes smell, Im guessing they dont wash their clothes or something, there is usually a lot of people at conventions and if you happen to pass by someone you can tell if they smell. In rock concerts there is this thing called "SLAM", where a large crowd divides into two and then they run and clash into each other like if it was two armies clashing. For a time back in the late 2000s (2009/2010) it became very popular and usually at anime conventions there is music and mostly rock bands. Well a lot of times there was always a group of idiots that started doing this and to nobody suprise people got injured, I remember one time a girl that was probably 50 kg or about a 100 lbs was caugh in between and they had to take her to a nearby hospital, I think she was okay tough, only a few bruises but still it happened very often. But other than that nothing that actually ruined the day or the convention.
  23. I just hope they actually release the full game this time, not like Streetfighter V with half the roster and no arcade mode.
  24. Thats why I recommended hacking the system, its not that complicated and you can easily get all the games on 3ds plus a couple of emulators. Again you are going to have to google it or search for somebody to do it for you.
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