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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Thats the weird part about the gaming industry, if the console or game is popular enough they will try to port it on almost anything, hell even the wii had a port of COD black ops
  2. Yep I will say at least 499, this might be one of the most expensive launch, the biggest was obviusly the ps3 with their 599 price tag. Also lets take in consideration that the launch price for the ps4 was 399.99 and that probably helped the sales.
  3. I think my preferences have remain the same over the years, yeah I was also really into multiplayer games in highschool but my first choice has always been single player games
  4. Some changes are good, some are bad. Pathfinder's main ability has a bigger 35 sec cooldown now, which is bad because you where previusly able to spiderman your way out gunfights with his zipline ability but now its imposible. On the other hand Loba's ability is excelent for early game with her looting and market ability.
  5. It was to be expected, the game is still going strong.
  6. It really depends on the game, for example I also tend to avoid bows or crossbows but in games like Last of Us, Horizon Zero Dawn and RDR2 bows really come in handy. So there is no specific weapon for me that I would like to use on all games. My weapon of choice depends on the actual game.
  7. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ couldnt explain it better myself. 👍🏻
  8. For me its MK, the gore its the best and Im fan of the series. Street Fighter is good but I didnt grew up playing this game so there is no nostalgia.
  9. It is huge, Its probably one of the biggest games out there. Also Im pretty bas it xD this new modern wardare is so different from the other COD games, its slow paced and its more about strategy rather than reflexes.
  10. The design doesnt really matter to me, what matters its the games, thats the one reason why the Xbox One lost to the PS4.
  11. John Wick Hex, Apex Legends and COD BO3
  12. Yep but I had to delete the game because its too big, I might make some space later on and install it again
  13. I like the premise of the game but it doesnt seem to be all that worth it
  14. Hell yeah Tropic thunder For me the funniest ones are: White chicks Scary movie 1-4 Anchorman Life of Brian and Monthy Python and the Holy Grail Airplane 1980 The hangover The 40 year old virgin The Dicatator Zoolander
  15. I see a lot of people online who say that we shouldnt complain because the games are "free", I will say that is incorrect, the games are not free, Sony calls them free but they are not, they are part of the service which we are paying for each month. If they where really free we should have been able to keep them regardless if we are paying for plus or not, if that was the case I wouldnt be complaining. I do understand that its not up to us to decide which items we get each month and Im not going to go online and sign a stupid petition like some others are doing, but it is really dissapointing to get shitty games like this
  16. I use my followers as distraction, when fighting a dragon or a draughr I always pick the ones that are good at close combat while I use a bow or I engage with double swords
  17. For me it depends what Im playing, if its a FPS 20-30 minutes is fine, but if its a single player game I need at least two hours
  18. For me its the Riot Shotgun, in close combat its pretty fast and powerfull.
  19. Me and my friends meeting in an online match in Cyberpunk with our custom penis
  20. In that case Im not sure, maybe the Blair Witch project game?
  21. Sony will have the clear advantage at first, PS4 fan base is a lot bigger than Xbox, if Xbox wants to compete they will need to step up their game this generation.
  22. I have been playing a lot of apex legends and COD black ops 3. I have been thinking of getting Black ops 4 since Im getting tired of the Parkour but Im not sure if its worth it.
  23. Little nightmares is actually good. Not that scary but it looks like Tim Burton movie
  24. They do this with all the most anticipated games, they are expected to perform good on the market so they do this in advance.
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