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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. I dont consider Pokemon X/Y bad, easy yes but also all pokemon games on the 3ds are super easy.
  2. Sony is giving away 2 games for free Uncharted the Nathan Drake Collection and Journey, no subscription requiered, just go to the PSN store and get tjem for free. https://blog.us.playstation.com/2020/04/14/announcing-the-play-at-home-initiative/
  3. Yep a remaster o even better a remake, the first game is kinda hard to look at these days XD
  4. I think I've played most popular kart racing games, Mario Kart, Diddy kong racing, Crash bandicoot racing, and sonic racing. Mario kart wii was the best one in my opinion
  5. I think the movie was okay, it could have been worse, I mean for a kids movie it was not that bad
  6. In my opinion AO3 wanted to be tol overlycomplicated for its own good. AO2 was easy to learn and the campaigns where good.
  7. Evil Within, I have never played it myself but I heard its pretty scary
  8. I saw some gameplay as well, I dont think it looks exactly like counter strike but it does look very generic
  9. Ah yes they have been remastering the game on almost every console since the xbox 360 but they all kinda look the same, the only upgrades are the shades and polygons
  10. A remastered version would be nice, I originally played it on the Wii, not the best controllers but still a fun game
  11. Uncharted 4 , this game surprisingly it has a lot of small details, the grass, the bricks and wood on the houses, drake's house and even the way Drake lands depending on the terrain. Also you can play a bit of Crash bandicoot
  12. Which anime is it by the way? Pizza
  13. For me its Universal studios, I went to Disneyland for the first time last year, it was cool and all but I liked Universal better
  14. No 😞 but surprisingly im not a fan of tater tots😨😨😨
  15. Spider Man :The Heist DLC
  16. The saddest news I've heard all week. But I will wait patiently , I rather get a finished game than a rushed and incomplete game.
  17. Got my new apartment a month ago so Im still doing some renovations and fixing stuff around
  18. Its cool but its also been sitting in my 3ds for the last year.
  19. Since im a gaming addict I will sadly decline the money
  20. For this tear we have COD modern warfare two remastered and possibly a remake of the first black ops
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