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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. If you are fast enough that can happen, but if you are not dont expect to respawn xD
  2. Well that was to be expected, it is a free game after all
  3. Red Dead Redemption 2 ❤️
  4. it also explains why emulating ps2 games is a pain in the ass, thanks @Crazycrab
  5. I might end up getting a PS Plus subscription after all, I didn't liked the idea at first but I just notice that I only have about 100 gb of storage left on my hard drive and there are still 2-3 games I do want for my ps4 so in order to save storage and money I'm going to get the service for a whole year and spend my time in multiplayer and take advantage of the free games. Besides getting a new hard drive might be more expensive or about the same price.
  6. I'm considering extending my ps plus subscription after the trial for Red Dead online but I'm not sure if its really worth it, as to what I see there is a lot of grinding and micro transactions.
  7. As long as the PS5 is fully retro compatible with the ps4 I'm all good.
  8. At the end of the day making videogames is a business, and its not CD Projekt Red's fault that the author made the wrong decision, he was given a choice and he choose poorly and they owned him nothing.
  9. Well there are sewers so most likely people just poop in the street xD
  10. Well I was wrong there is a climbing mechanic in Skyrim its called Horse 😆 (this joke was stole from a random Youtube comment)
  11. I've been playing Shovel Knight as well for the first time, I just finished the boss fight with Spectre Knight.
  12. I would like to see a climbing skill, I dont expect Assassins creed level of climbing but being able to climb mountains, houses or threes would be nice. It would make thief and archer combat more realistic. As well I would like to see a better Bounty hunting or beast slaying system like on Red Dead Redemption and Witcher 3, the companions can give you small quests like that but they tend to be boring, I want to be able to go to a town a look and grab a bounty from the quest board, actually I would like to see that as well a literal Quest board xD
  13. All I want for the future is good games, honestly when it comes to performance of consoles I'm pretty comfortable. Personally I'm not looking or expecting any innovating stuff but at the same time I feel that releasing a new console is pointless because there will be nothing "new" just improvements on what already exists, so the only thing I hope for the future is better games since for me thats what makes a console good.
  14. I have a hoarding issue as well in Skyrim, but usually I dont carry all that with me, I tend to change my gear between quests and I only carry what I need , but I tend to loot everything so sometimes by the end of the dungeon or quest I end up with a full inventory.
  15. Honestly I dont really care about the bad practices, I just care about the game. If its a good game at a good price I will buy it, as for micro transactions I have never purchased one, I dont really mind if the game has micro transactions or not since I'm not going to spend money on them anyway. But micro transactions will keep appearing in games as long as there is a market for it so in order to stop that practice people need to stop spending money on shit like that.
  16. Merry Christmas to all members of VGR!!
  17. xD a little bit of an overacted scenario I will say, I'm no expert but I find that hard to happen. The only thing I know about sport hunting is deer hunting and I will say that even during hunting season Deers will walk around freely around your property or on the road, at least in Oregon, and people dont seem to care.
  18. I dont hate sports but I'm too lazy to even do sports.
  19. Just finished the Titan Fall 2 campaing, it was good 8/10 and Im playing some online multiplayer
  20. I've been meaning to play this one, how is it?
  21. As to what I have seen its a totally different story, so you can safely see it and avoid spoilers from the game..I think
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