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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. If the game is free to play I dont care or mind any type of micro transactions or price on them as long as they are not pay to win. Now if I'm paying for a full game I dont mind expansions or DLC's, but having the same types of micro transactions that a free game has its unacceptable on a full priced game.
  2. Oh believe me he is not confusing anything xD Yeah but the "quests" seemed to hollow or without purpose, I dont know maybe I was expecting something else then again I only played it for a short time.
  3. Back when I was looking to buy the first Bioshock game a few months ago I had a similar question, Why should I get the collection ? I checked some gameplays and it looked a little bit better but not that much of a difference. So I opted for the more economic route and I got the game for my Xbox 360 for 4 bucks.
  4. I dont think I ever said that... xD Either way, I dont mind games with retro style like 8 or 16 bits style. There has been a lot of good games with that style like Shovel knight and Celeste.
  5. According to my 11 year old brother in law "Its cool because its survival with exploring and you can create worlds". I've seen the game, its not that great.
  6. League of legends its just like any other MOBA to be honest, not bad but not that great either. Its like fortnite actually, average game but free with a lot of skins.
  7. I played Anthem once, till this day I'm not sure what the purpose of the game was.
  8. Minecraft - Ever since it came out I never understood the appeal, its not the graphics but the gameplay it feels boring, without emotion.
  9. oh I see, I was talking to a friend about this the other day, if they where going to port the whole LOL game to mobile and consoles or if it was to be a different version or another game mode. According to him is the main game and other game modes but yeah crossplay might be difficult. It will probably be like Fortnite cross play.
  10. Will probably go to see Malefica 2 later this evening, I'm not thrilled but my girl wants to see it.
  11. 😨 really ? I though it deserved a 9/10
  12. I broke a NES controller in rage because I couldn't or didnt knew back then how to save my progress in Super Mario 3. I was 6 years old 😞
  13. Skyrim and Pokemon, cant get enough of them
  14. Looks really ugly but as long as it doesnt overheat I'm okay with the design
  15. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes - 7/10
  16. https://wccftech.com/playstation-5-devkit-leaked-image-confirms-previous-patent-design/
  17. When the equipment screen doesnt actually pause the game.
  18. Why the registration ? do you mean the synchronization ? like the cross play ?
  19. Dude we already have games with incredible graphics, Horizon zero dawn, God of War , Resident Evil 7 etc
  20. Well Zelda 2 was ridiculously hard, they kinda over did it.
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