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    kingpotato got a reaction from Boblee in Last Game Played   
    Playing DragonBall Fighter Z
  2. Haha
    kingpotato got a reaction from Knight Barida in League of Legends   
    Hell no

  3. Haha
    kingpotato got a reaction from Boblee in Last Game Played   
    Playing some Apex Legends, Yes this was me and my team earlier xD

  4. Thanks
    kingpotato got a reaction from Boblee in "PlayStation Infinite", Confirmed as Plus Essential, Extra, Premium and Deluxe -June 2022   
    No worries thats what I though
  5. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Crazycrab in "PlayStation Infinite", Confirmed as Plus Essential, Extra, Premium and Deluxe -June 2022   
    again ps inifinite is not yet, have you guys not read the comments on this thread? thats what this whole conversation has been about
  6. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Boblee in Last Game Played   
    The Beast Boy is my favorite skin in Fortnite. 
  7. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Boblee in Last Game Played   
    The Venom skin, yours ?
  8. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki in MadWorld Wii   
    I picked this up on the cheap and have enjoyed it for what's it worth, get's kinda repetitive after a while tough. Doubt they will ever remake it, since all i heard it sold very badly. But they remade the wonderful 101 so you may never know.
    As angry video game nerd would say What were they thinking? Putting a bloody gory game on a family friendly console.
  9. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Empire in MadWorld Wii   
    Have played it, the music is great but the game is a little too short. It's certainly a unique experience. The spirutual sequel Anarchy Reign for the PS3 is fun as well. The writer of this game also wrote to songs of lazytown and sonic lost world
  10. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Crazycrab in Last Game Played   
    I was struck with with COVID a couple of weeks back, but thankfully I had just gotten my copy of Horizon Forbidden West to keep me occupied under lockdown.  Fantastic game, improves on Horizon Zero Dawn in almost every way.
  11. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Prof elohstar in Mortal Kombat 11: Is It Worth It?   
    I will also go for mk ultimate. The price difference is not that much so MK ultimate should be the better choice of purchase.
  12. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki in Is it wise to spend money on free to play games?   
    I don't really have a problem with microtransactions if they are optional and don't disturb normal gameplay. I don't really get developers on this either, since it does  more harm then good for their games. Take the recent backlash Gran turismo 7 is taking because let's be honest, what a dick move from sony to include microtransactions a few weeks after launch it not also makes them look like money greedy assholes. GT7 on the ps5 costs already 10 bucks more the usual price, pretty sure it costs damn near 75 euros over here. 
    I don't really play multiplayer so can't really talk too much about that. Like i said free to play games are something i stay away from, if they offer the whole experience for a fixed price, i'll gladly try some of them out. I always wanted to play Genhsin impact but since it's free to play i'm not going to bother why they don't offer it as a complete game for a fixed price i'll never understand. 
    Maybe i'll just need to get over the fact that games are nothing but consumables these days, you're done with them and move onto the next to be never played again. It's kinda saddening since kids who grow up these days are not likely to be able to play a game from their childhood again if they ever want to offcourse.
    Who am i to comment on somebody who likes free to play games and should they spend money on it or not. I think it's a waste of money and that's what the original title off the topic says.
    but then again if i spend 15 bucks at mcdonalds and another person spends 15 bucks on something they get hours of enjoyment off and it makes them happy. I'm most likely the real loser in this scenario 😉
  13. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Yaramaki in NEED FOR SPEED.   
    No idea why you're comparing Need for speed with Gran turismo as both are completly different games. Need for speed is an arcade racer, GT is a sim racer. It's like comparing apples to oranges doesen't really make a whole lot of sense.
    The best thing Ea can do is reevaluate the Need for speed series and get back to what made the series populair and give the franchise to a capable studio because Ghost clearly isen't able to make a decent need for speed game. Ea owns codemasters and slightly made studios now so why not let them make a Need for speed game. 
  14. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Heatman in NEED FOR SPEED.   
    I hardly get into playing any Need for Speed series on the mobile phones because they are far more better for me playing on console. 
  15. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Prof elohstar in NEED FOR SPEED.   
    Good old days. Back then you can unlock a new car, track etc with just playing the game but now nothing is free anymore. 
  16. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Boblee in Last Game Played   
    Playing Alien Isolation and Evil Within 2 for the day. 
  17. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Heatman in Last Game Played   
    I haven't played any as of today but played Ghost of Tsushima Legends last night. 
  18. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Heatman in VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations   
    Thank you very much for the nomination 😁😁😁 I would like to nominate a man that has been with the forum for a long time and I rarely see him getting nominated @skyfire

  19. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Justin11 in Last Game Played   
    Then it is a signal to you, that you should change your controller, get a better one to give you better functionality. 
  20. Thanks
    kingpotato reacted to Boblee in VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations   
    @kingpotatois actually a good candidate for this but just like I said, there are so many guys that are worth wining it. Let's have more nomination coming up. 
  21. Thanks
    kingpotato reacted to Reality vs Adventure in VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations   
    Thanks! That's appreciated. Since @Crazycrab is already nominated who made some pretty thoughtful posts, I'll pick @kingpotato. Always fun to read his posts. 
  22. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Shagger in Saddest moments in Videogames   
    Did we already have a thread like this this? I dunno, but I'll go with it anyway.
    This is a difficult thing to discuss on a forum without going into spoilers, so I'll as everyone to try and avoid that as much as possible, but everyone should consider themselves forewarned.
    The Last of Us Part 1 and 2 between them could probably fill a top 5 of saddest game moments on thier own. Those moments with Sarah, Tess, Riley Frank and Bill, Henry and Sam, Yara and Lev, it goes on. Hopes are built up and dashed a lot in these games at just the moments where it can have the most impact and that's what make these moments in TLOU so powerful. Life is Strange. This is another series that can play those heartstrings like they were on a harp. Because the games are based on chooses, it even has something over games like TLOU because it's very likely you are, at least in part, responsible, so it hit's home that little bit more. The end of the first Walking Dead Game by Telltale. Again to avoid spoilers I wont spell it out, but even knowing that this coming moment was inevitable for a decent chunk of the game didn't make it any easier to watch. I found this moment was done really well, though. The pacing and atmosphere really was spot on.
  23. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Knight Barida in VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations   
    I have interacted with a lot of members here. I will have to say that @Boblee gets my nomination for the official member of the month for March because he's been quite active.
  24. Like
    kingpotato reacted to DC in VGR Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations   
    This is the official Member of the Month - March 2022 Nominations Thread. The winner will receive 500 VGR Forum Points which can be used in Bid for Rewards.
    Member of the Month is generally awarded to the individual who had the biggest impact on the VGR Forum. This is generally in the form of contributing the most amount of posts in terms of quantity and/or quality, but can extend to referrals/promotion and other efforts to benefit the community.
    You only nominate 1 member and you cannot nominate yourself. @Heatman won February's MOTM and thus is not eligible for this month.
    Nominations end March 30 at 10pm EST then a new thread will be created for voting. Please keep all thread replies strictly to nominations - no anecdotal discussions/comments.
  25. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Knight Barida in Street Fighter 6 announced   
    Street fighter 4 was better than the fifth version. I honestly want the new one coming to look better and be good for gamers that love playing fighting games.
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