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  1. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Head_Hunter in I bought a new Switch.   
    Good for you bro, my advise is to try some of the free to play games, and Im not sure if you are a Zelda or Mario fan but try Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Oddisey
  2. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Prof elohstar in CTR   
    Funny enough, as much as CTR was my all time favourite video game on PlayStation 1, I didn't attempt playing it on PlayStation 2. 
  3. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Rainbow Road in Hey all?   
    I'm Rainbow Road! Here to chat with you all about Gaming! 
  4. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Empire in PlayStation State of Play Live Stream March 9 2022   
    Its sad to see Square Enix try so hard but fail to make new games look fun. Guess the only success for them is to keep re-release old JRPG over and over again. Imagine going to mall and supermarket to buy a few things and it’s empty yet somebody decided to open the doors WHY who the $uck knows 🤔
  5. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Boblee in Last Game Played   
    I have been trying to get into playing Red Dead Online for a while now but playing Red Dead Redemption 2 haven't really allowed me. 
  6. Like
    kingpotato reacted to skyfire in Why is PC less popular?   
    Sure but that does not mean Console is better than PC lol.
  7. Thanks
    kingpotato got a reaction from Knight Barida in Hey, It's the Knight   
  8. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Shagger in Playstation plus vs the Xbox Live   
    I'm sorry, but what does that even mean? There was no opinion of yourself expressed, not real point made and you didn't even address what was raised raised in the post you quoted...
    ...that even in itself was kind of a bland, soulless statement that didn't really address the subject matter.
    Honestly, just because a new post is made, you aren't obliged to to reply with anything just so long as it's something. We value active members, but we also value quality posts. If you can't think of anything worthwhile, then it's fine and perfectly worthwhile not post anything.
  9. Haha
    kingpotato reacted to Lamarr the strelok in Describe Your Place   
    12 guitars of various flavors,8 guitar amps ,a bunch of guitar pedals,1 1x12 speaker cab,1 4x12 speaker cab, 42 inch tv,55 inch tv,garage with a 50cc chinese scooter,etc.kingpotato give the racoon some water to wash everything in and he'll be fine.😀
  10. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from killamch89 in Describe Your Place   
    -One bed room
    -Built by nature
    -One corner for bathroom, another corner for bed
    -Roommate is a racoon, very rude but pays rent with stolen goods
    -Cheap since its a cave so free (The racoon doesnt know that)
    -Color, brown dirt shit
    -About 1 meter or 3ft tall
    -I rent the place to a bear during the christmas holidays, bastard is always on a bad mood after his stay but again he pays rent
    -Outdoors, lots of open space around
    -Ongoing fight with squirrels neighboors, they tend to shit on the drive way, the racoon is helping me to fight back, we are doing the same to their tree.
  11. Thanks
  12. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Darth in Horizon Zero Dawn   
    Well you shouldnt skip the first one, otherwise you are not going to understand the story of the sequel. Dont skip the first the game just because the sequel is trending thats not smart.
  13. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Boblee in Your favourite game series?   
    Yeah the Blues Brothers, all time classic, you should watch it sometime.
  14. Sad
    kingpotato reacted to The Blackangel in Community Chat #1   
    2 of my rats.
  15. Like
    kingpotato reacted to skyfire in What PlayStation games do you want to see on PC?   
    Emulators are kind of hit and miss for most of the games official ones is always a good idea to be ported.
  16. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Shagger in Best game of the generation so far (PS4/XBox One Era)?   
    Spam or not, posts that only exist for the purpose of promotion are not permitted on VGR, so you posts have been removed. This is clearly spelled out our Forum Rules and Guidelines.

    This is a gaming forum and community, it is not a billboard for you to e-beg on. On a personal not, your sap story and excuse do not fly with me for four reasons.
    This was first time posting here, so you clearly have no intention on actually contributing to the community. To you, we only exist to give you money. Nobody just joins joins an internet forum then immediately begs for money. Nothing you posted is in any way relevant to the threads you posted. You choose them because they were current, popular threads. You couldn't care less about engaging with us. If what said about your friend is true, there are better things you can do for them than e-begging on an internet forum. That's just not the way people support thier fiends in need if they are in these kind of situations. Not that I actually believe you, because I don't. You copied and pasted this post then posted not once, but twice. That, again, is not normal. You posted twice to draw maximum attention to it. That is spamming.  
    Suffice to say, do not do this again. If you're only interested in people donating to that crowdfund you tried to post, then it's probably best if you don't come back.
    @Heatman Don't engage with these posts, report them.
  17. Haha
    kingpotato got a reaction from Heatman in Community Chat #1   
    Tired and broke xD Im just waiting for my paycheck
  18. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Shagger in Monster Hunter Rise   
    I have been playing video games for 30 years, and I can never think of a time where I forgot what platform I was playing a game on, especially recently. In fact, I am fairly confident I would remember, for the most part, what platform I played any memorable game on. Sorry , but something is off here. Even on modern platforms I'd know if I was playing on Xbox, PC, PlayStation and certainly on switch.  I feel a lot of your posts are a bit off. For a start, both the PC and Switch planforms use very different control prompts and default icons that it is impossible to make that kind of mistake. You literally can not play an Nintendo Game nor or PC game with PlayStation button prompts and icons and not recognise that there is some sort of problem unless you are blind. PC games use XBox control icons as defaults, a format Nintendo copied. There is no way in my mind you could have made that mistake.
    Also, nobody refers to PC gaming as  "Microsoft Windows PC". Gamers say "PC", because "PC" games can be played on Linux or MacOS. So, what is going on?
  19. Like
    kingpotato reacted to skyfire in Why is PC less popular?   
    That thing is debatable. You can have cheaper PC where the console compete and are better than PC. But then if the PC is expensive build for gamers then console is not what you go for.
  20. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Prof elohstar in Why is PC less popular?   
    Bravo. Well explained. Also well understood. But honestly I can't be buying a PC just because of gaming purposes. From your explanation, PC is better and can be upgraded to your gaming standard and you can also get your preferred controller that has USB. I understand all of this but me personally can't purchase a PC for the purpose of gaming, not because of the price but because playing video games on my laptop regularly would kill the battery life span. 
  21. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Prof elohstar in Community Chat #1   
    My day was awesome not until I had a cut 1 in my sportbet ticket. A.S Roma couldn't deliver the option I gave them and now I'm not happy for loosing money.
  22. Thanks
    kingpotato got a reaction from Heatman in Your favourite game series?   
    Yeah the Blues Brothers, all time classic, you should watch it sometime.
  23. Like
    kingpotato reacted to Heatman in Your favourite game series?   
    That's the most stupid and hilarious thing that I have seen online today 😂. I believe that's a clip from a movie..? 
  24. Like
    kingpotato got a reaction from Family sedan in I bought a new Switch.   
    Good for you bro, my advise is to try some of the free to play games, and Im not sure if you are a Zelda or Mario fan but try Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Oddisey
  25. Like
    kingpotato reacted to The Blackangel in Red Dead Online Legendary Bounties   
    You must be playing a different version than I am, because I don't remember John being able to keep anything that Arthur had. Then again, it's been a VERY long time since I have played the epilogue. I just reached it again recently, and I'm still at Pronghorn Ranch. Does the game wait to give it all to you until you move down to New Austin to build your own ranch?
    It feels weird to ask questions instead of give answers about this game, but I've only played the epilogue a couple times. It breaks my heart so bad when Arthur dies, that I just can't play that far into the game anymore. I always start a new game before then. But I wanted to play until the end one more time, so I went through it. I cried like a baby, but made it through.
    I'm going to do one more full playthrough for our gaming channel, but after that, I'll never play through all the way again. It hurts too much. When Arthur dies I feel like I lost my father, brother, and best friend. The one man I could love with all my heart.
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