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Everything posted by mont86

  1. Wondering how that worked... I'll pass for now.
  2. Stand.. Cause of heat reduction.
  3. That's pretty cool... That yours ?
  4. Well good I'm not the only one jumping right in.. lol How long do you play a game for ?? Til you master or switch games every few days ?
  5. How long does it take you to learn a new game ? Do you just start playing or try and figure out what the strategy of the game is first/ I have been playing GR breakpoint and just started shooting.. And ahead of myself on scoring and points and how to use to my benefit.
  6. What do you people use ? I see they range from 100 to 600 USD..
  7. From what I have gathered from videos and my limited time playing.. Practice .. I think.
  8. Any suggestions on specs to look for.
  9. What do you guys use ? PC or tablets ? I know a lot of people have been using tablets and gotten away from PC and laptops
  10. Looking for a laptop come the end of the year.. And wondering what's a good deal for low end user, Not sure if I'll do and gaming or just web use to surf.. Thanks..
  11. And COD isn't considered an open world game, but a linear game ?
  12. I find it gives me a break from regular T.V. That being said I could do more reading.. lol
  13. There is a lot more scrutiny with gamers and the world wide media , I believe .
  14. So what are the thoughts on the new call of duty ? I haven't bought it yet and curious on how people like it ?
  15. Life is tedious.. lol but to games isn't grinding part of the deal or appeal ?
  16. I'm bought it and like it.. I'm no expert by any means, And haven't tried many non first person shooter games to compare it to.. But am happy with the game.
  17. Subway makes their sandos anytime of the day , don't they ?
  18. How late in the year do you wear white ?
  19. Lol.. It was at McDonalds.. Don't remember many people being there at the time.. Even better I may have had someone order 1 or 2 for me... LOL
  20. Where do you wear white to? I'm not high brow.. People are just glad I'm dressed.
  21. All ethnic back grounds are off limits.. I guess it's a good thing... Seems what offends one doesn't offend another.
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