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Everything posted by mont86

  1. I believe there is way to much social media too. All aspects including T.V. People seem to be over whelmed with all the info available.. News is more opinion then fact. And looking back that is probably always been the case... Other then a couple message boards , that's pretty much it.. And a lot of arguing on them.. Anymore I try to smile and wave..
  2. I know , it's a different world now.. It's all aspects of life.. Reminds me of how a snow globe gets shaken and all the snow floating around.
  3. Sorry to see Luck retire.. But don't blame him.. Holiday weekend coming up
  4. Days of funny comedy is gone in my opinion also.
  5. Seems like everyone is offend anymore.
  6. I agree with you. pretty tuff to top the first one.
  7. 5 big mac's... plus fries. My hat off to Blackangel .. That's a lot.
  8. Use to be all meat type , but now sausage is to my liking.
  9. escargot is a good answer.. I don't eat much sea food and don't really have fresh sea food available.. so sea food. Lobster and scallops
  10. egg cheese and ham.. I have been going to subway and getting a breakfast sub with onions, peppers and pickles .. Pretty good.
  11. 1 snicker 2 reese's 3 kitkat
  12. How long ago was that?? That is way to sensitive ..
  13. Heard they are making another Coming to America..
  14. Reading a lot about recycling has come to a stand still and renewable coming to a stand still.. What are your thoughts?
  15. Cool weather here.. Working...
  16. mont86

    Ask DC

    What's your favorite soup ?
  17. Working the weekend, but nicer weather so getting outside a lot more.
  18. Young Eddie Murphy... John Pinette… Richard Pryer… Older Larry the Cable guy
  19. How many new siblings have you meet? And how old is the oldest ? You happy to be meeting and or having , what I assume is a extended family ?
  20. Immediate family.. Always stumbling over someone.
  21. On twitch, sight and sounds for relaxation I think... ???? I'm watching someone eating crunchy food.. Unreal.... A lot of different streaming available.
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