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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. You guys need to be introduced to the magnificent world of "Indie Musicians who Are Worth Their Salt" Seriously, a lot of songs from nowadays are amazing and created by worthwhile creators. Newgrounds saw a lot of that talent flow and be created. Also. If you say that post-2000 songs are bad, you're telling me that Breaking Benjamin, Apocalyptica, and Velvet Revolver are bad. Which... How dare you.
  2. The most amazing spin in classic music
  3. Anyways, I didn't complete the last post. The TALOS Headset has noise supression and the microphone doesn't catch any sounds that aren't from my keyboard (Tbf though, it's pretty loud). So yeah, this is the deal. My headset costed me only 800 pesos (40 USD) so I am pretty sure you can find that kind of headset on your own.
  4. THATS WHAT I WAS LOOKING FOR AND NEVR FOUND. It's called "Noise Reducer" Thank you Black! Also the guy above said that his vent is parallel to him so that (as far as I understand) means he keeps it away from him.
  5. People underappreciate the food in Dead Rising. Some people don't realize that you can cook some foods and mix drinks which actually goes to contribute just how much you can do in a mega malll infested with zambos
  6. Only my PlayStation 2. I ended up regretting it.
  7. Benned for not using a real ban reason... Yeah, let's go with that.
  8. Nope. It's all I'mma say about the subject.
  9. I had a Dreamcast but didn't do much with it and then it was suddenly sold without telling me and I just took it like a man... I don't even know what the hell was up with that. Anyways, my favorite games on the system were Sonic Adventure, and Crazy Taxi
  10. Let's hope VGR continues this upward trend then!
  11. That makes it a double edged sword of sorts, don't you think?
  12. Well, apparently it isn't even real from what I've seen. (Just a headsup, my phone is an Android 8.0.0 device)... SO yeah @xXInfectedXx that's your review.
  13. Well, knowing about the concept about megapatches and roadmaps I'm pretty sure it's a bad game that'll eventually become good or something,.
  14. https://store.steampowered.com/app/360430/Mafia_III/ Get it while you can!
  15. I hope we see a resurgence in Horror but I doubt it'll happen once again.
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