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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. Once again, DlyanC says exactly what I've said before in a less aggressive manner. But still, I SAID THIS BEFORE GUYS COME ON!
  2. It is... Because I don't think any less of you for thinking the opposite of what I think. We're just having friendly debate and that's all that matters.
  3. A forum is a place for discussion and you'll meet people who do not agree with you. Also.. Yeah.. I mean, there are games that I simply cannot play for the life of me like the Tohou games (or any bullet hell game for that matter) because they cause motion sickness to me. You know what I do? I turn back and play the games I can actually enjoy and play. I don't know why that's a hard concept to grasp.
  4. I'm off to making the game more accessible. But that has to be the goal from the start. Not some sort of thing that gets added after millions of backlash because in most cases nobody ends up being happy with the selection.
  5. And there are games that exactly cater towards those wishes of yours! Hell, off the top of my head I can recommend games like Shadow of the Tomb Raider (Or the Tomb Raider remake games in general), Resident Evil 2, the aforementioned Devil May Cry 5. Just because you miss out on ONE GAME doesn't mean you'll be without games to play right? So yeah, nothing elitist, nothing "optional", nothing of the sort. It's just thaty some developers are okay with their playerbase consisting of people who enjoy hard games. Like seriously, you talk about how people are "Snowflakes" because they don't want their games to be taken away from them. But do you think the view of the developer should be violated in order to cater towards someone who probably won't enjoy the game? What happens to the people who can't even enjoy the Easy mode once it gets added? DOes that mean the developers wasted their time?
  6. So yeah, it's not Elitism, it's not "Need", it's simply a game that a developer wants certain players to play. Not everyone.
  7. It HAS happened A LOT then over the course of history. Plenty of games "Easy modes" have condescended the players of the mode. From Twisted Metal 2 gating off Easy Players from playing the rest of the game to Valkyrie Profile's Easy Mode actually being THE HARDEST MODE IN THE GAME.
  8. See, you keep telling me that all of this stuff in terms of "Adding an Easy mode" would be optional.... Well.. So is getting the game itself, don't you think? If we boil it down to "Optional stuff" logic, you certainly don't even need to buy Sekiro or any other game that prides itself on its difficulty, do you?
  9. Because, once again, the developer isn't held accountable for how they want people to play their game or who will get to play it. Simple as. Hell, people are saying that Sekiro is easy as all hell and that an easy mode would be a dumb addition. Let's not forget that adding an easy mode is often done as a punishment and not so much an experience enhancement. Remember Cuphead's Simple Mode where you basically got locked off from the rest of the game until you cleared the stages in Regular Mode? I wonder why that happened.
  10. I mean, if you want further examples just go and look at games like Kingdom Hearts 3, Mega Man 11, or Devil May Cry 5. Those games have shifted their difficulty to the point where the game's "Hard mode" is actually the "Normal Mode". We don't know what the balance will be when it comes to making different difficulties.
  11. Because that's exactly what it is. A niche game. Other gamers have plenty of options that allow players to play them however they feel like. It's not the developer's job to cater towards an audience they especifically didn't make a game for. I can understand disabilities and such but much like how there are hard games that pander towards the people who enjoy the high difficulty, there are also games that are made for diabled players. Not only that, but you also misjudge the potential towards lowering the skill ceiling. For example, games like Overwatch started as being games with a high enough skill ceiling only for it to be lowered with each update just because it wasn't catering towards audiences that didn't know how to shoot in the shooter game. I mean, I am certainly capable of playing games despite having ADHD and my arms no longer working properly due to being hit by two different vehicles. Of course, the harder the game is, the better I learn its mechanics and such. Not every game is supposed to be a breeze, with a lot of them being tests towards the capabilities pof your mind and motor actions. So yeah.
  12. You know.. Something I've seen someone do as of late has driven me more and more sick about how the current gaming community is well okay with having bad "LIVE SERVICES" as games. Not only that, but in their rush to defend Anthem, it has become well synonymous with approval of extremely toxic practices and problematic issues within the industry. It's no longer a secret that Bioware has had a lot of issues as of late and that they came under fire after an article published by Jason Schreier. In this articke, the respected gaming journalist talks about the extremely painful and awful working conditions in Bioware. It is basically a nightmare to be in a position in the game industry. I'd like my readers to take a look at the article so they get the entire context. I definitely can't paraphrase the amount of sickening, vile, and disgusting things the so-called "AAA Gaming Market" has done to the game developers. I mean, the final product is far from being what was originally conceived. From the whole "EA decided to go with Anthem because it was easier to trademark" to the fact that nobody (not even Anthem's development team) had any idea of what the god forsaken game was about until 2017's E3 is just a good testament as to how bad Anthem really is. The main problem is the fact that people are seemingly complacent with such practices and it really has become quite disturbing to keep seeing people trying to defend Anthem when not even the developers want to defend it. However, it really speaks of a bigger problem that has become quite frequent in the industry as a whole. Game developers and publishers (And I must say, in some cases, even gaming journalists) are being overworked and squeezed out of every single talent they have until they get tossed aside and replaced by the next target of squeezing. What makes me sick is the fact that there are plenty of devs who think this is actually OK and "Worth it". Much like how Masahiro Sakurai ended up going to work on Smash Ultimate with a fucking IV drip... No.. JUST NO. Jim Sterling released a video a few hours ago regarding this issue. Pointing towards other instances of overwork conditions in the industry such as Rockstar's "We worked 100-hour shifts" or Telltale's magnificent "Tales from the Non-Existant Severance Paycuts" saga. The fact that game developers and publishers treat these unethical working conditions as achievements or something to be proud of is insane in and of itself. Thankfully, the push towards having some sort of union for workers within the industry has begun to become more prevalent over the months. There will always be a breaking point and Anthem's disastrous launch seems to be exactly that. Whether or not we'll get to see some sort of results from it is up in the air but we will see what'll happen in the coming weeks. As for Anthem, I seriously think it's such a mediocre product that it basically drives you to never want to pick it up again after seeing all the controversial aspects. I mean, I would've certainly enjkoyed the moment where the rarity of items was bugged and people got more rewards and loot in the LOOTER SHOOTER GAME. However, such time didn't come and I was unfortunately calling it quits before I reached the point in time where I would've been put against 4 different grindwalls in the endgame. As such, don't expect me to review this game because of my vote of commitment towards finishing a game before reviewing it. I definitely must say that Anthem's defenders are sounding awfully close to want this sort of game to be published in the future. Of course, that's MY assumption and it really doesn't encompass other people who do legitiately enjoy Anthem. But, goddamn do they look like they want Bioware to continue delivering mediocre game titles and to continue overworking people to the point where they become useless rags made out of skin. Anyways, I think that Anthem is a mediocre game.. Not so much of a "Trashbin" as other people make it out to be. Maybe that's the reason why I decided to give the game a shot. Not that it would be the first time I do something of the sort for the sake of getting my own opinion of something across, that's for sure. But still, the developers of the game have started to voice their concerns and Jason's article pretty much say that the writing was on the wall ever since the magnificent company at EA took reigns over the game's development. Hopefully the wake-up call for game developers, publishers, journalists, and the community as a whole comes up sooner than later.
  13. I haven't purchased the 1TB one... But I am probably going to. I definitely will get back to you if that works.
  14. Definitely like the alternative name "Gacha" that allowed them to basically get away with it without anyone noticing.
  15. No, as in, you can get a 1TB Class 10 SD Card already. I just mentioned that mine is a 256GB one to examplify it... My Class 10 provider is ADATA.
  16. No. I am one of those people who think that a game that has a hard mode by default is often doing what they intend. Games like those are supposed tyo be a niche and they clearly don't need other players besides the niche they are trying to pander to. Same deal with games like Cuphead that doesn't allow players with low skills to play the game beyond a couple of stages in "Simple Mode"
  17. I am in one with my current fiancee. It's been going magnificently so far.
  18. I found one on ebay if that means anything... Though it's around 100+ bucks so...
  19. Wait, did Fnatic come back as of late in LoL? I thought they were humiliated
  20. To celebrate the release of the Ace Attorney Trilogy on consoles and PC. I will be streaming with my co-host @Executor Akamia. The stream will be at 5PM CST and will basically tackle the game as far as we can get through with it. Why is the release date on Tuesday? Ask Capcom.
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