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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. lolno. I think those games are extremely huge time sinks that are really not worth the effort in the long run.
  2. I don't give a damn about the stupid political agendas, EA's PR rresponses, or anything, really. I really don't. However, I still think that Battlefield V was a case study about what not to do when handling a game that doesn't respect anyone or anything. I hear that the game is barebones anyways and that plenty of issues have happened across the board. As such, I think I'm not going to miss it when the servers inevitably shut down.
  3. Might I add that this is also very important to note. The very reason why Rockstar has delivered is because of the remarkable nature of their single player games. At the end of the day, all you've got to do is ask "Do I like Rockstar's games?" If so, you'll get a 100% faithful game.
  4. We literally just established that this was a BREAKOUT type of game. What the hell?
  5. I play many games competitively and I'm a game journalist
  6. UleTheVee


    Like, I know how buyback systems work, they are supposed to make a profit, but in my CEX they give you like 30% of the thing's original value.
  7. Not like we have to care now because the new design was unveiled. By the way, can you stop quoting the OP?
  8. UleTheVee


    I have a CEX near me. I don't really like the fact that they cut on a lot of prices..
  9. UleTheVee

    Diablo immortal

    Wait wait wait. When was it ever established that Diablo Immortal would have microtransactions? Yes, Activision might put them in but nothing is certain yet.
  10. First off, It's Gran TURISMO. Secondly, it's a competitive racing game that's been backed up by official leagues. Thirdly, Gran Turismo Sport is better :V
  11. You say that, but the problem is that economics work in a very odd way in America. CEO's are often stepping down from companies that obviously are going to fail. As such, companies have to give those CEOs as much money as possible so they stay while the ship sinks.
  12. inb4 someone asks. Arkanoid isn't believed to be a Puzzle game. Many people call these sort of games "Breakouts".
  13. Almost all of them were puzzle games lol
  14. https://www.vgr.com/resident-evil-2-screenshots-show-tofu-and-hunk-looking-better-than-ever/ Original article. What are your thoughts on Resident Evil 2's new screenshots?!
  15. I know but still, there's no way this sort of thing can happen.
  16. But a fucking demo to an amazing property? When
  17. I love hard games as much as the next guy but I also love to feel like a god without really trying. ALthough, when I master a difficult game I tend to get the exact same feeling so really, it depends on my mood.
  18. Well, I haven't been DDoS'd in my entire career and that's saying something
  19. Reports work on a cumulative basis. So they won't initially work and people will feel discouraged form doing them. But the more a person is reported, the more the game company responsible for upholding the rules is going to look into the affairs of the offender.
  20. Not really, if I can go and say "Hey, this guy is a moron because he's a nazi and this other guy is a moron because he's a far left leaning idiot" Then I'm in the clear.
  21. Because I don't side with any of the political sides in the spectrum
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