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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. I take public transport. I know how to drive and I can probably get a car if I really want to but... I prefer to walk lol.
  2. You never played the Battle For Bikini Bottom series did you? Those games are rad and have amazing soundtracks.
  3. You know that Technology and Nature CAN live in harmony right? It's just way too many people say that we suck in order to have that message stick.-
  4. Well, until I get an idea of what the hell a Quiznos is.. Subway :V
  5. I don't really get that many notifs on my phone anyways. I just wear the smartwatch because it looks cool lol.
  6. That sucks, you should go find a Little Caesar's
  7. That's a WHOOOOLE other can of worms dude..
  9. Killa confirmed to like Fillip Miucin,
  10. I think I'd much rather not have an Alien: Isolation port for the Switch. For the sake of people's consoles.
  11. You should also know that most sites where you can find mods from are usually sites with forums or mulrtiple ways to provide feedback from. Why would a mod developer put a mod in a random place where you can't even comment on?
  12. https://www.humblebundle.com/store/a-story-about-my-uncle?linkID=&mcID=102:5c3687b4f2ab4ebb2af41654:ot:56e85c66733462ca899e30cd:1&utm_source=Humble+Bundle+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=2019_01_10_astoryaboutmyuncle_storefront&utm_content=Banner
  13. I usually just quit playing or go play something else.
  14. The title says it all. What do you think about plyers who have been known for cheating in profiessional play?
  15. A few weeks ago I saw an aimbot user in Team Fortress 2. He was quickly dealt with, though.
  16. ... Dude, where do you get the mod packs from? And seriously, do you know what this button does?
  17. I'm glad nobody brings up games like Puzzle Agent just to discuss Tetris and how complicated it is.
  18. I have a Gaming Desktop I use one monitor I revealed my specs before I've had my setup for a year and a half and it costed me 400 bucks (8,000 pesos) It's been good.
  19. Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way. - Alan Watts
  20. it certainly made me more glad when they backed out of those practices. However, it was a case of too little too late for that.
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