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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. UleTheVee

    Gaming on Linux?

    Let's say my experience was the worst. Not only were many games unable to run in that OS. Especially those games I had FUN WITH (not to mention Bloodstained recently gave Linux and Mac users the shaft). But the OS and the fact you have to code a lot to work around. No. This OS is built for programming matters, Office matters even. Gaming? Fricc off m8.
  2. Ian Bell has recently announced the Mad Box! What do you think? Original Article: https://www.vgr.com/mad-box-console-announcement/
  3. You shouldn't talk without judging me m8.. I have been through some rough shit. But yeah, I understand, there can be people worse off. WHich is why I am grateful for what I do.
  4. Aw, seriously? Shucks, I'm blushing
  5. Who doesn't use a PC for surfing lol.
  6. Uhm, I remember the original Deus Ex being famous for the STORY. Not the gameplay
  7. Happy new year ya'll. Hope you guys have fun.
  8. Try a game on steam called AIM HERO. Definitely a good pick to train accuracy
  9. I mean, you don't need to, you can check this video I made showcasing SH3's abilities. The game can be played 1080p 60FPS without any issue.
  10. I played Alien: Isolation. Saying that the first hour was boring as shit is an understatement.
  11. I also think that games should be purchased. Now that refund policies are found in most storefronts. We're literally at a day and age where renting games isn't that popular
  12. You guys should see the Silent Hill 3 PC port. It was one of the most advanced PC ports of all time despite being released in the early 2000's
  13. By the way, I also voted for you Killa.
  14. Yes, actually. It was 2016's where I said I wanted to become a journalist.
  15. It still counts as english so..yeah, suck it!
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