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Everything posted by DanTheGamer

  1. Eh, I think they are few and far between. My wife and her community seem to have managed to slowly identify a majority of various "shortcuts". However, I do believe there are some little things here and there that didn't really translate.
  2. I probably played for maybe a month? Stopped dabbled again for a bit then stopped again.
  3. I never bought them myself so I haven't even been on the lookout for them. My roommate had bought them because I think there was a game he had bought that made some use of them. It is cool that they're still releasing them. I'm sure people buy them just to collect them if nothing else.
  4. I played it when it was still fairly new but opted to stop playing. I have heard from some that the game is a big cash grab these days and you can't even do certain things without investing money.
  5. There are varying levels of mobile phone access. These days unless you get kids a dumbafied smart phone I don't know that giving them one without proper guard rails is a good idea. The Internet sucks and kind be absolutely brutal. My kid has a smart phone currently at age 5 however, this phone can't even behave as a phone. It is purely setup for educational purposes. This means no YouTube, no web browser. Basically if we say it's not accessible for him he's not getting to it. This will of course evolve as he grows and matures.
  6. I haven't played Sims 4 on console but I have heard there are even some keyboard shortcuts that dont have a means if you're using a controller. I believe if you hook up a keyboard you may be able to do more.
  7. I do remember seeing this back in the day. Never really appealed toe at the time. I sort of remember the original game coming out towards the end of all the hype around these types of games.
  8. I won't be, I haven't played a CoD since probably Black Ops 2. The appeal to the games these days for me just isn't there.
  9. It's been awhile since I've personally used online chat. If I'm chatting with anyone online it's usually through Discord with a community of people I'm already familiar with.
  10. Anytime computer hardware is branded as "gaming" at all, I always get suspicious of 1.) Am I being overcharged for this now or 2.) is this going to be garbage. What's your experience been with this?
  11. When compared to Sony & Microsoft it would seem that Nintendo often has the most underpowered hardware, at least in comparison to the competition. How do they manage to get away with this and still manage to sell so many consoles?
  12. I do apologize for the crazy title...wasn't sure how else to make it all fit 😛 Essentially, in recent news, I have heard that PlayStation wants to release a new game that will, at first, be available on every console and PC. However, from my understanding, the plan moving forward from there would be, once they release the 2nd game to make it a PlayStation exclusive and say "Oopsie doopsie, we know we teased you at the end of the first game but now you have to get a Playstation to see the rest". This mentality feels super sleazy to me.
  13. Over the years it seems to have become abundantly clear that the vast majority of the AAA games that get released now are pure money grab games. You could shill out upwards of $70 USD easy on a game and then still be expected to purchase in-game items. The only game super recently that I have heard did this well was Elden Ring.
  14. I don't know much about the franchise personally. However, I know my little brother actually seemed to quite enjoy the newer games for awhile. I don't know that he still plays any of the newer games now that he's more into the PC realm.
  15. Haha oh my word, they sound like pretty neat concepts but the execution may not have been very good. Either that or too early for it's time. There must be a reason they didn't continue making these with newer consoles.
  16. It really is too bad to see Blizzard going down like this. I miss the day's when they were their own entity and not with Activision. I've not seen much good since those two companies came together.
  17. The last game I played was Kingdoms of Heck Fire through Mist Play. Had to get my 5 minutes in for the day 😛
  18. Did you end up doing something else? Often times I will be hanging out with family all day so there isn't really opportunity to play any video games.
  19. Do you have a hard time finding good mobile games? I personally do and it's kinda frustrating. Google tries to serve up these "Recommended" games and most of the time I'm not actually interested. Often times to find a good game I have to either scroll forever or find out from someone on a forum and then search for it.
  20. When was the last time you went an entire day not playing a single video game? It's been over a month for me 😛 I've been using this App called Mist Play and they give you streaks for playing a game for at least 5 minutes a day.
  21. I absolutely enjoy Mario Kart to begin with so when I heard that it was coming to mobile...first I was excited. Then I groaned, but then I got to play it and it ended up being fun and not riddled with trying to force me to pay money at every turn. Have you played this yet? Do you like it?
  22. When I start off for the first time with a game I will usually go for a normal mode. I do this because it is my belief that the "Normal" mode is how the game will be most enjoyed as it is a baseline in regards to difficulty. If I can manage to master Normal I will increase difficulty.
  23. If the app is free and the ads aren't super intrusive I have no problem with ads. I also prefer the ads to be at least mostly G because I don't want to see ads for Viagra or any porn advertisements...
  24. Interesting that these companies all want to get a piece of this. I knew that game streaming was a thing but apparently these bigger companies are starting to see a market for it. I just read an article this morning that said Google just ran a project where they ran a test of running a newer Assassins Creed game through a game streaming service they're experimenting with.
  25. I was thinking that this would be the solution. I have heard rumors that the cooling pad can potentially make your laptop work harder and heat it up more. This to me doesn't seem quite right though 😕
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