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Everything posted by DanTheGamer

  1. Eh Christmas tree is only up for a short period of time and disco-ball shines it's light all over 😛 Our apartment right now looks so bland cause there isn't hardly any color to speak of so I really enjoy when we get to put up lights 🙂
  2. By this, I do not mean, how can we keep them hip and slick. I mean, keeping the laptop from burning your leg off and bursting into flames. I haven't ever owned a gaming laptop but I do know that it is a pain to keep them cool. Has anyone here figured out a practical way to keep your laptop moderately cool?
  3. I should make sure I clarify my statements in the title of this thread. By build I mean you go to retailers like NewEgg and buy the individual parts for your computer and have them delivered to your home. Then with those parts you put together your computer piece by piece. By out of the box I mean you go to a manufacturer like Alien Ware, BestBuy, etc and it's already pre-built when you receive it. With all of that, do you build your gaming rigs or do you let a manufacturer do it for you?
  4. When I used to keep a gaming PC around it was always cool to have it be all lit up. Before I was done, I believe the side case fan was lit up with Blue LED's and the front of the case was lit up with a red LED. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever! If I could of had my way I would probably have added even more 🙂 I like the lights on a computer it seems to give it some personality.
  5. Oh...apparently I have not been watching Blizzard very closely. I have only been seeing the Warcraft side of things such as Warcraft III Reforged.
  6. That's really unfortunate,I had completely forgot about having investor's in the equation. My major concern is for the game titles that have been a part of Blizzard's core games from the dawn of time...if Activision ever does anything bad with those Blizzard may eventually cease to exist as we know it today.
  7. I do not believe we will see a complete removal of single player. I believe there is still a strong desire in the gaming world for this to still exist but I do believe that some genre's of games may have less demand. In some genre's there is more demand for an online platform and some developers have chosen to focus their energy solely on multiplayer and instead of having a half baked single player they just don't make one.
  8. I have never been able to figure out how to go about having a game instance take advantage of multi-display rigs. In instances where the monitors are fairly large it seems kinda cool. I do understand that the games have to also support it in some fashion but how many of you have this kind of setup or desire to have something like this running on your rig?
  9. I read recently that Activision/Blizzard has decided to cancel their eSports events for this upcoming year. I have to wonder if they will plan on bringing their events back or if other organizations will run events instead...though this may be tricky if Activision/Blizzard doesn't continue providing the game with updates other than security/bug fixes.
  10. Here we are at the end of 2018 with many games released and many hours played. Soon it will be 2019 and what games shall we play then? What are you anticipating the most in 2019?
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