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killamch89 last won the day on February 19

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  1. Those look like some Dynasty warrior characters. Is this some kind of Dynasty Warriors rogue-lite game?
  2. Of course they denied. All Sony's interested in these days is making remasters and shitty live-service games that turn into colossal failures.
  3. I agree and that's why I want Ubisoft to get sued into oblivion.
  4. Xbox is pushing to be the ultimate developer where you can play their games on any system and now we're seeing the end goal of that.
  5. With all they've learned from the failure of the Steam Machine and the success of the Steam Deck, in addition to a huge gaming catalog thanks to their platform, If I were Sony and Xbox, I'd be quite concerned.
  6. So we might see GTA coming to the Switch 2 after all? That'd be something if it happened...
  7. Only in the gaming industry and things like the software industry you'll see crap like this. It's one of the nonsensical and bizarre practice that has been around for quite some time and it just doesn't compute why gaming companies want to shoot themselves in the foot that badly.
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