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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Played some Need For Speed Heat for the first time in what seems like forever and the playerbase is still active and I had lots of fun races.
  2. I think they were planning on doing a VR headset. At least, that's what was reported a few years ago. We haven't really heard anything since.
  3. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on this. We all have our favorites, but what movie do you think gets way more praise than it deserves? Whether it’s due to hype, awards, or fanbase, which film do you think is the most overrated?
  4. Game shows have been a staple of TV entertainment for decades. From trivia and physical challenges to strategy and luck, they offer a variety of excitement. What game show do you find most entertaining? Do you have a favorite moment or episode?
  5. I’ve been rewatching some old TV shows and noticed how different they are from what’s on today. From storytelling and character development to production values and representation, TV has come a long way. How do you think TV shows have changed over the years? What aspects do you miss from the past, and what new trends are you excited about?
  6. If you could step into the world of any TV show, which one would you choose? Would you prefer the adventurous life of "Breaking Bad," the whimsical charm of "Parks and Recreation," or something else entirely? Share your dream show and why you think it would make your life better or more interesting.
  7. We all know laughter is the best medicine! Share your stories about the funniest person you've met in real life. Was it a friend, a family member, or maybe a coworker? What made them so hilarious and memorable?
  8. We all have those irrational fears that make us laugh when we think about them, but still manage to give us the chills. Whether it's the fear of a totally harmless bug, a random object, or something completely absurd, what's that one silly fear you just can't shake?
  9. I'm curious to hear about any moments in your life that left you completely baffled. It could be a strange coincidence, an eerie encounter, or something that simply can't be rationally explained. Have you ever experienced something that left you wondering if there's more to reality than we understand?
  10. We all have those little pet peeves that seem to only bother us, but not many others. Whether it's a specific sound, a particular phrase, or even a minor habit people have, what's that one thing that annoys you way more than it should?
  11. Who is that one person in your life who always brightens your day? It could be a friend, family member, partner, or even a pet. I’m curious to know who brings you the most joy and why. What is it about them that makes them so special to you?
  12. Personally, I'd have to say Atreus from God of War (2018). Watching him grow and evolve throughout the journey with Kratos was not just touching but added a lot of depth to the gameplay. The father-son dynamic really sets this game apart for me.
  13. That's hilarious! I was playing RE 7 late at night, fully immersed in the creepy atmosphere. Just as I reached a particularly scary part, my dog snuck up behind me and barked. I nearly threw my controller across the room! I laughed so hard, but I think I aged a few years in that moment.
  14. That's awesome! 'Still Alive' is such an iconic song. It's amazing how games like Portal hide these little surprises that make the experience so memorable. Did you know it was composed by Jonathan Coulton? His quirky style fits the game perfectly.
  15. AI in NPCs is just the beginning! Imagine how AI could adapt gameplay based on individual player behavior or even create dynamic storylines that change in real-time.
  16. That's awesome! Which crowdfunded games have you backed so far? Have any of them turned out to be favorites of yours?
  17. I totally agree. Cross-platform gaming is breaking down barriers that used to keep friends from all enjoying the same gaming experience regardless of platform. It's great that now we can just focus on the fun instead of worrying about which console or PC someone has.
  18. Facts. I'm not about to give up my extremely comfy bed for anyone.
  19. To be fair, even since my near-death illness, I can only count one day where I've actually been sick and it was some kind of half day flu. By the evening, I was perfectly fine.
  20. That's facts. It's important to vet who you're dating because if they're not the right fit for you, the warning signs will be there.
  21. Raisin Bran is my personal favorite. I'm contemplating trying out one of those protein cereals to up my protein intake.
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