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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. God Of War: Valhalla DLC - Tyr is now my favorite character outside of Kratos. It also had character development for Kratos as a person. He's learned to finally let go of his anger.
  2. Personally, my ranking are as follows: Tekken 8 - It feels the most balanced out of the three, the most fun in terms of ranked matches and the most active. Street Fighter 6 - Not as active as Tekken but most of the characters feel balanced. Mortal Kombat 1 - Honestly, this feels like the most lacklustre out of the three - character imbalances are rampant, the characters aren't that interesting anymore and the game just lacks a lot of substance. Do you agree with my rankings of these three? If not, I'd like to hear why you disagree with my rankings.
  3. I also never understood why Saints Row went the route of turning into a supernatural game with Saints Row IV. If I'm being honest, even though I liked some of the abilities, it kind of turned me away from Saints Row as a series.
  4. Firstly, my Anker Powerbank is a must for keeping my devices topped up on the go. I also love my Galaxy Earbuds and smartwatch because of the added functionality they bring to my Galaxy phone. What are your favorite mobile accessories and why?
  5. I had emulators on phones previously but I've moved them to my tablets so that my phone battery can last and it can be used for more important things.
  6. You'd be surprised how powerful current Macbooks and there's always a workaround for getting older games to work on any platform. I'm sure Mac has theirs.
  7. To be fair, 2023 was very mediocre in terms of game releases. So many disappoints including Battlefield 2042 - I was really looking forward to that game and it crashed and burned on arrival.
  8. I totally agree with this - I was like, "which universe is this? Marvel?" Whenever any series goes the multiverse route, it usually ends in disaster and the story becomes extremely convoluted.
  9. MGS 3 Remaster is coming out in the near future. I think it's next year - hopefully, Konami doesn't mess this up.
  10. Unfortunately, Saints Row has been completely destroyed reputation-wise by subsequent failed launches. Drivr and others have been out of commission for decades so they don't really have any competition.
  11. You're right but this is basically the Rockstar Trilogy Edition launch all over again. Triple A company outsources development of a remaster and it turns out horrible.
  12. Honestly, I forgot about Shinobi - it's one of those PS2 games that has gone under the radar of most people at the time. On another note, Mike Tyson in Mike Tyson Punch Out was literally the hardest character to fight.
  13. It has tons of great reviews and I've also heard that it's been the best Contra game in almost 20 years. From what I've seen, it's definitely better than Contra: Rogue Corps.
  14. From the trailer, I'm kind of assuming that the MC can use time to recreate events that've already happened to discover clues. It does look interesting.
  15. It's mainly Battlefront 2 which came out about 7 years ago. You've heard me rant about this game several time - it's the last game I've ever pre-ordered. However, what we're talking about is the original Battlefront games which featured on the PS2/PS3. Those were excellent games but EA have screwed up the remaster.
  16. This is an interesting game - I like the cell-shaded graphics. It reminds me of a cell-shaded Overwatch if I'm being honest which is not necessarily a bad thing.
  17. I have to admit - this is something I'd never expect to see in a videogame format. This comes across as an interactive National Geographic documentary about ants.
  18. A game that mixes magic with old western weaponry? At least it's somewhat unique but it doesn't seem all that interesting.
  19. Honestly, I'm not impressed by what I just watched. It seems like another, go stop the demons from taking over our world kind of game - it looks like another generic RPG.
  20. See? I told you in another thread that there's every possibility that EA screws this up. That's why I kept my expectations in check - I'm not even surprised. It seems like Capcom is the only major gaming company that can do a proper remaster.
  21. Eh - it's okay, I guess. The plot seems somewhat decent but I have to see some actual gameplay footage before it can sway me. I'm extremely skeptical when it comes to superhero games and that's because majority of them are subpar.
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