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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Hate in this case is a strong word for me, it just did appeal to me at all and there are plenty of games like that. For instance - League Of Legends or to go a step further - most MOBAS.
  2. It depends on what I am using my mouse for. Usually in shooter games I tend to push the DPI up.
  3. Sorry but @Alyxx promised me twinkies if I voted for her and twinkies are like my kryptonite so yeah...that happened.
  4. I'll go with headphones when I am gaming because they provide better sound quality and are usually more comfortable as well.
  5. I'm equally adept with both to be honest but depending on the type of game - I may prefer one over the other.
  6. If I remember correctly he punched and bashed it several times before tossing it out the window. It was hilarious to watch for me because Fifa is one of those games that always manage to bring out the Hulk kind of rage in players. Fifa was one of the few games that have made me curse out loud because of some of the gameplay bugs.
  7. My criticism of some Open-World games (doesn't apply Elder Scrolls, GTA or RDR series) is that they feel like a huge freaking post-apocalyptic world in terms of very few characters/npcs all over the map including major cities where it is supposed to be populated and the game world feels dead as a result instead of buzzing with activity.
  8. I agree - it is one of the deepest stories I encountered in the thousands of video games I have played in this lifetime.
  9. Hell, even drink too much water can kill you and that's a fact. In life, everything is about balance.
  10. I've never really gotten into Minecraft but I do acknowledge it's popularity.
  11. I have owned the original Gameboy, GB color, GBA, 2DS, 3DS, The original Nintendo, SNES, N64 and Gamecube
  12. I use it for the faster free shipping and deals along with the audio. The first Amazon Prime package used to be discounted to $69 - I am unsure if they still offer this.
  13. Wait, Buffy the Vampire Slayer is still on TV? Used to be one of my favorites as a teen but I haven't watched it in eons.
  14. It is because I know a couple of people who are having severe pain with their teeth.
  15. I use Hotmail, G-mail and Yahoo Mail - I think I have 5 active email addresses for business/personal stuff.
  16. Quake 3 probably because of how fast-paced and intense the action was.
  17. Pretty awesome review - very detailed and well-written.
  18. I have quit a bit of work to finish for a client so I am just going to focus on that for the weekend.
  19. I can't really fault him for that though - It's human nature to sometimes be willing to protect the one you love at all costs.
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