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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Consoles are the ones really at threat because more and more people are gravitating towards the mobile and PC markets. Consoles are very limited in their functions and the repairability of these consoles are very expensive and locating the parts is very hard.
  2. Metro Exodus could have been a great game but the shady last-minute deal with Epic Games among other things is what made it flop and I'm saying this way ahead of time.
  3. Or you could just destroy your console/PC and accessories in a fit of rage and complain about it after...😂 Fifa seems to really bring out the Hulk in everyone. *Disclaimer* Killa is not responsible for any damaged caused by my sarcastic comment. I wasn't being serious.
  4. Brexit is an absolute mess and I could tell from the beginning where this was going to go just by listening to what they were promising and how unrealistic their plans were.
  5. Sure no problem and I use Mullvad VPN. By the way, what does Fastproxy do?
  6. That always helps than sitting in one place for too long. To be honest, I've been pretty horrible at sitting in one spot since I was a kid. I get pretty restless if 45 mins or more passes and I am sitting in the same spot.
  7. stop laying there like a potato and move! 😂
  8. I am glad many people are finally awakening to the fact that politicians don't really care about the folks they supposed to serve.
  9. Did somebody mention melons?!... Goddammit, it's somebody's user name! I thought were talking watermelons like ummm...the fruit. Welcome to VGR and as a fellow Elder Scrolls fan, I am happy you joined us! Don't mind me, I tend to get hungry just talking about food...I think I might have Shaggyitis or something.
  10. Actually, they removed the abilities like super jump and the mechs which made Titanfall special and instead just created some generic Fortnite/Overwatch/PUBG battle royale game with microtransactions. Battle Royale games are really becoming a nuisance to me because they are all generic clones with a tweaked gameplay mechanic. No story or depth to the characters.
  11. In the lore, the Dragonborn is actually a Nord so I always assumed it was what caused the hostility from the Forsworn.
  12. They are actually pretty informative - especially about the origin of certain monsters and characters which were not addressed in the game. I feel like in the games, Geralt is kinda nerfed compared to what his feats were in the stories.
  13. The part that really threw me for a loop was how the fixed camera would be at such an inconvenient angle that you basically had to adjust the whole character's body to get off a proper shot.
  14. That's good to know that gaming helps you to cope.
  15. To be honest, I am not that big a fan of the puzzle game genre or that into mobile gaming. Maybe that is why I miss out on some of the great ones.
  16. That's good to hear and yes, I do know who Babeltower games are.
  17. The division is also another game I thought could have been great but what we got was an open-world shooter with no end-game content, lots of bugs, repetitive gameplay and the overall experience just felt rushed.
  18. It happens to the best of us...
  19. It is a pretty entertaining game although I don't know what it will look or play like on the Switch. On PC, it is a pretty cool game so I hope the Switch's release doesn't stray too far from that.
  20. Actually, it was because my parents separated and my dad remarried so I don't get to see him much. We also live in different cities so that is a factor.
  21. You were right about it being just like Max Payne - It literally is the Asian version of Max Payne from the playthroughs I saw. The story is practically non-existent and it has a top-down camera angle which for old GTA games it was acceptable given the technological limitations at the time. In 2019, a good number of gamers hate this kind of camera angle.
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