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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. killamch89


    I am so not changing your diaper!
  2. killamch89


    Shouldn't you two be in a retirement home? 🤣 I'm 29 about to turn 30 in a couple of weeks but look like I am 20(Yeah, I was born with a baby face.). Youthful appearances rock!
  3. I think it is the ongoing spectacle with the ongoing Metro Exodus situation and in certain circumstances like this, it is totally acceptable given the shady nature they have dealt with their customers. To top it all off, when a game developer threatens gamers because of the backlash they justifiably receive for their actions, Review Bombing is definitely acceptable to make uninformed consumers aware of what they are purchasing.
  4. A female friend of mine has Resident Evil 7 and she made me play it. The only reason I didn't scream throughout the entire session is that my voice is way too deep for screaming.
  5. It depends on how fast your body heals. I think they were being very cautious with me so the dentist said 2-3 weeks. That gum infection may set you back a couple days though.
  6. Uncle Fester's ability to generate electricity has baffled me for decades. Has that ever been explained? His unpredictability makes him my favorite character of the entire series.
  7. You panicked in the moment - what were you supposed to do, remain calm?
  8. Have you ever done any long distance running event like a Marathon or Cross Country? If so, how far did you run and how did you place in that race? Did you train for it? In my case, I used to do Marathon events in high school and college. I am built with pretty good genes because I am the only person I know that doesn't have to train for one of these events to properly compete. The highest I've ever finished was 4th and I would have finished much higher but I tripped close to the final segment of the race.
  9. To be honest, I haven't purchased that many games/apps over the Google Play store - only the essential ones and I have enjoyed them all.
  10. I still haven't finished the game yet though - I am taking my sweet time with it.
  11. 16 GB DDR4 Hyper X Fury 2666 Mhz.
  12. I am also excited about the Addams family because the original show made up a good part of my childhood as well.
  13. I have never requested a refund on any App I have purchased.
  14. Armored Core 4: PS3 emulator.
  15. I agree totally. At least they could include some DLC that makes you play as somebody outside the organization.
  16. No, I have never played it but I remembered that a friend of mine had recommended this game to me a while back. He used to play it for hours on end.
  17. Resident Evil 2 remake and Resident Evil 7 has some of the best atmospheric sounds in the past year. The eeriness of the silence combined with the occasional zombie roar really keeps you on the edge of your seat.
  18. I also feel like crackdown 3 is going to flop and I didn't even finish the second one because I found it to be a very crappy game. Crackdown on the Xbox 360 was alright - quite a bit above average and it was fun for a while but I got bored of the game.
  19. It has to be one of my most annoying experiences because I had to miss college for a week and a half and it took me close to 3 weeks before I could get any solid food again.
  20. You could just say you were a bit frightened and in the heat of the moment clutched on to his arm.
  21. Deus Ex: Human Evolution.
  22. Didn't you grab the voice actor just in case you needed to throw him at whatever might attack you two and make a run for it? 🤣
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