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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That's good to know that gaming helps you to cope.
  2. To be honest, I am not that big a fan of the puzzle game genre or that into mobile gaming. Maybe that is why I miss out on some of the great ones.
  3. That's good to hear and yes, I do know who Babeltower games are.
  4. The division is also another game I thought could have been great but what we got was an open-world shooter with no end-game content, lots of bugs, repetitive gameplay and the overall experience just felt rushed.
  5. It happens to the best of us...
  6. It is a pretty entertaining game although I don't know what it will look or play like on the Switch. On PC, it is a pretty cool game so I hope the Switch's release doesn't stray too far from that.
  7. Actually, it was because my parents separated and my dad remarried so I don't get to see him much. We also live in different cities so that is a factor.
  8. You were right about it being just like Max Payne - It literally is the Asian version of Max Payne from the playthroughs I saw. The story is practically non-existent and it has a top-down camera angle which for old GTA games it was acceptable given the technological limitations at the time. In 2019, a good number of gamers hate this kind of camera angle.
  9. The fad had ended 2 years ago and I agree with you that the concept became very boring. Personally, I was never overly excited by it in the first place and I loved Pokemon as a kid and I still do like it as an adult.
  10. I don't see my dad much nowadays but he doesn't game as much either.
  11. It's getting worse by the day. Every other day, there is a new issue with Fallout 76 - I knew Bethesda was incompetent but it has also taken me by surprise just how incompetent they are.
  12. killamch89


    I think you spelled best incorrectly...just saying.
  13. Sometimes, I take a break from the game and the solution usually comes to me when doing something totally unrelated. Going to Youtube for help is the dead last resort, as in - no method I have thought or tried has solved my issue.
  14. That works too but I feel it cheapens the rewarding nature of figuring it out for yourself.
  15. I think the main complaint of most gamers is the ridiculous amount of microtransactions implemented in games nowadays and also they lack a truly captivating story.
  16. I have read a couple of the Witcher books and it helped me understand the lore of the Witcher world better and it helped me throughout the various Witcher games.
  17. I read almost anything in sight and I have always been that way since I was a kid. It is any wonder why I am usually aware of certain things most people would be oblivious to.
  18. I agree about Max Payne 3... the game felt rushed and the story was very confusing.
  19. Try the Logitech G602 - I have had it for 3 years and it is everything you could ever ask for. Exceptional battery life, great responsiveness, buttons that you can map to do anything and it cost just $36 dollars right now.
  20. Same here. Although, I do tend to mix it up quite a bit.
  21. The early Resident Evil game mechanics were so annoying because of the freaking fixed camera. Seriously, your shooting at a zombie one minute and boom! the next minute you're aiming at God knows what. I am glad they learned the error of their ways and made the camera free-moving.
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