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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. In the case of my PC, It was Grand Theft Auto V which is 60GB even before the various updates and it took me about 3 and 1/2 hours and then the updates were endless.
  2. Same here, I am not an addictive person by nature. As a matter of fact, I get bored of everything eventually so I just can't be addicted to anything.
  3. Spawn in a huge army and try slaughtering them in very creative ways such as using a pickaxe and/or handicap myself by using no spells/powers.
  4. That was an excellent comeback, I can't lie. Not that I care for partisan politics.
  5. I have a Capital One Account and the rates aren't that bad either. They also didn't give me a hard time like Chase did even after I provided them with all the information they needed.
  6. That would have creeped me out for sure but I wouldn't go investigating it. That's how the first victim in a horror movie dies - being too curious.😂
  7. In first world countries, there tends to be a huge amount of choices but in the case of my country, not so many at all. I only use my phone wallets in an emergency situation and nothing else.
  8. I knew the Patriots would win although I really wasn't cheering for either team. To be honest, this Superbowl was unusually lackluster and anti-climatic.
  9. I set an alarm for every 30 mins while gaming and if possible, pause the game and go stretch and walk around a bit. It is possible but the key is moderation.
  10. Banking fees in my country are ridiculous so I find myself using other transfer methods so that the bank doesn't rip me off.
  11. I do track my spending but I also allocate money to certain important needs such as rent, food and bills way ahead of time. Everything else is a luxury to me.
  12. The key to eBay is to check the seller's feedback and ratings. Anyone rated below 97% is a no-go for me and they must have sold a lot of products over the past year for me to even consider them. I don't do new sellers just because of the risk involved.
  13. I get mine washed at a car wash. it cost me like the equivalent of $15 US so it's not really that steep although every now and then, I do wash my motorcycle myself.
  14. I limit my time on Social Media because I have way too much stuff to do to be paying attention to most of the nonsense on these platforms.
  15. It is a really essential skill as you mentioned and at least I won't die of hunger in the event I don't have any ready-made food.
  16. I love the outdoors as well from time to time. I love to go scuba diving every once in a while.
  17. You can try Retroarch because it has a good N64 emulator so it will probably do the trick.
  18. As a black man, I approve of your choice. I swear it must be genetic or something - I just can't resist anything with cooked chicken in it and especially if the sauce is delicious.
  19. How about a golden sticker? It's Golden!
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