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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Extended family or your immediate family?
  2. Mont, you sound like you're becoming addicted to Twitch lol. I'm not that familiar with ASMR to be honest but I do agree that they sound relaxing.
  3. I was playing Jet Moto on the emulator the other day - the simpler days in my life.
  4. I also remember playing Onimusha back in the days as well but my pick would be Tenchu skilled assassins from the PS1 era and Armored Core because I love my mech action!
  5. It's quite difficult to say because a couple of years ago when battle-royale games launched on the scene, most people never really gravitated towards them at first. Then PUBG came along and Fortnite shortly after which boosted the popularity of the genre.
  6. To be honest, I've always wanted to try out the older Dragon Age games but I can't be bothered to create another Origin account after EA deleted mine without any warning or reason why.
  7. killamch89

    AMD Build

    I am waiting until the new processors and graphics cards launch before I buy anything. I'm tired of Nvidia's crappy software - the idiotic Geforce Experience is so pointless. Trying to download a graphics card update through this thing is like someone trying to blend corn in a blender - it'll never come out smoothly and will destroy the blender. On top of downloading it, installing it is like teeth pulling.
  8. Same here, mine is set from 6 pm to 7 am in the morning so I am not exposed to the blue light.
  9. I'm not really into Pokemon anymore to be fair...I haven't since midway through high school.
  10. Freedom of Speech doesn't exist in this day and age - not with all these snowflakes offended by the truth.
  11. It doesn't matter because we are going to blow them up in space so their stupidity will be gone and it won't infect any more decent people.
  12. If it's EA, It's going to be disappointing or half-assed. EA isn't going to do anything but create another loot box filled game and slap the Star Wars name on it just like Battlefront 2...In case you are wondering why I keep bringing it up. It is due to the fact that I pre-ordered and bought that game and that is the last EA game I ever bought or played for that matter.
  13. Most people are cowardly and self-serving so they always want to receive everything but aren't really willing to give anything in return.
  14. I agree with both your points but I would also like to add the AI gaining some kind of instinctive ability to dodge attacks they can't see or perceive and then they spot you from 10 million miles away *cough*Skyrim*cough*
  15. I'd rather a bunker with me and a lifetime supply of food and probably my own satellite so I would have some access to the internet and load up some games and I'm good to go!😂
  16. Can't we send them on a one-way rocket into space so the idiots can clearly see it's round and then shoot it down so that their stupidity doesn't spread like a disease?
  17. PewDePie has nothing to do with this at all (as much as I don't really watch his content because it is very immature but to each their own) - It's just some freaking nut carrying out a random act of terror.
  18. Racism is extremely rampant in that part of Europe actually. It still stuck in the extremely dark ages where Racism is widely supported instead of looked down upon and critiqued.
  19. Good to have you here mate.
  20. In my view, It disgusts me because they are living beings like us with feelings, emotions and just trying to find their way through life like us. Hunting them to feed yourself out of necessity is understandable in the case of a dire situation like stranded out in the wilderness because some animals would do the same to us. Killing animals for our own twisted amusement is absolute cruelty.
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