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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Having too many energy drinks can cause things like irregular heartbeat etc.
  2. Banned for banning a stylish-looking Eevee.
  3. Finally! Xbox has an exclusive. As a fellow Xbox one user (my little cousin mostly plays it now.), I get green with envy looking at all those amazing PS4 exclusive games. To be honest, It doesn't appeal to me that much though. The graphics look amazing and I do appreciate the cartoony look of the monsters but I was hoping for a Fable-like experience. 3rd person character with lots of depth.
  4. To be honest, I have never really done any streaming before.
  5. It is growing at remarkable rate - that's for sure.
  6. OBS is a good choice to be fair. Are you by any chance a streamer?
  7. Haven't quite played it either but it just seems like a mixture of Fortnite/Overwatch. Nothing really special about the character classes or combat - your run of the mill Battle Royale game (I really am getting tired of seeing Battle Royale games).
  8. I still haven't managed to figure out most of it.
  9. I don't think what he done is selfish at all because there is no guarantee that the fireflys would make that vaccine available to everyone and more than likely they would use it as a political tool to garner more power.
  10. Sounds like a great working environment but you are an office plankton. So like um...do you have one eye and what schemes are you planning this time?😂
  11. I agree. It takes a genius to make such a simple thing so impactful and the thing about it as ell is that Pac-Man's concept can be copied but will never have the appeal as the original.
  12. The game gives you that option but the Dragonborn was always a Nord and also in the lore, the Dragonborn's voice could level whole cities but he is completely nerfed in Skyrim.
  13. Reviews said it was very horrible and all I keep hearing is how bad the game is.
  14. That's an excellent point. What really threw me for a loop is the same Pokemon in different regions can have a totally different element as well as a completely different passive ability and evolution.
  15. I haven't even played the previous Bioshock game 😭 I am planning to buy a few games for my birthday so I am looking up some deals.
  16. I owned all the Pokemon games and so did all my friends and I destroyed them in every game.
  17. I used to play the heck out of the original Pokemon Ruby - believe me. It's just that Pokemon has become a bit stale over the years and the new pokemon aren't all that interesting except for a few of the Mega Evolutions. Seriously, I don't know if it is Pokemon or Digimon anymore.
  18. Pokemon Red was my first game for the Gameboy Color. I used to destroy my friends at it.
  19. I find myself not caring much about the new Pokemon at all. After Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre were introduced, I stopped caring about all the pokemon after.
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