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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Google+ was always redundant to me. I have never really used it for anything nor did I care about it and I am still confused about what Google was trying to do with this platform.
  2. I use my laptop, gaming desktop, Ipad or cell phone to surf the web.
  3. I do sympathize with their history but at the same time, I think they are too dangerous and unpredictable a faction to deal with. I'd have to think long and hard about it but one of the reasons I think they still attack you even though you helped them in Skyrim is the deep hatred for the Nords and with the Dragonborn being a Nord - well, you see where I am going with this.
  4. You can adjust your controller sensitivity in the settings and the turning mechanics are way different from Skyrim lol. I also recommend you try to get used to moving around and shooting to get used to the basics.
  5. Too bad Nvidia Geforce Experience isn't...
  6. That was a crazy experience man. It's one thing I learned from a very tender age - the world is full of some very twisted people.
  7. I don't listen to podcasts as much nowadays. I was planning on releasing a podcast later this year when I start my brand new website.
  8. To reach your potential, you have to be willing to push beyond your limits. Questioning your existence is a good sign because most people just go along with whatever they have been taught/told. Constantly question everything that you have ever been taught, that is where you will start to see where you may have been going wrong.
  9. killamch89


    *Narrator Voice* This is the story of Mont86, the man who existed before the gaming industry...
  10. Or you can also practice to take frequent breaks like every 20-30 mins, stretch your legs etc. It really helps a lot.
  11. I play games for fun - Trophies/Achievements were always a bonus for me. I knew other people who had a competitive nature like yourself and I do understand where you were coming from. But, at the end of the day, it still is a piece of software that you'll get over in due time.
  12. I re-installed GTA V the other day and I was having some kind of PTSD remembering how I went to bed and woke up 8 hours later and the game was still updating -_-. Needless to say, it took me 10 hours after updates and everything else.
  13. To be honest, I have never really purchased a console exactly at launch. I got my PS2 a couple weeks at launch but in general, I tend not to buy anything at launch because it may turn out to be a dud and you'll be stuck with it. Another instance was 3 years ago when the Samsung Galaxy s7 had launched for a few months and the Note 7 dropped around that time. I was contemplating whether to buy the Note or go with the S7 and I choose the S7 because it was the proven product and everybody saw how the Note 7 blew up - literally!
  14. GTA is a brilliant series and single-player experience is timeless across most games of the series. NFS on the other hand, has gotten really stale over the past 6-7 years but there are some timeless classics like NFS - most wanted but you do have a point about some of the other games in the series. Fortnite is ridiculously fun to play and the devs constantly put very unique and interesting events in-game. PUBG on the other hand, is complete trash - everybody knows how I feel about PUBG so let me not start.
  15. I used to hate looking for game cases back in the day and the most dreaded thing that can happen - the game's CD has a scratch and your console won't read it. It used to frustrate the hell out of me. I much rather digital downloads these days, to be honest.
  16. Overcoming game-breaking bugs is a whole different matter. You need to go swear in a corner or probably take your frustration out on the teddy bear.🤣
  17. Any excuse to get some gaming time in eh? 🤣
  18. My dad and I used to play the original Nintendo and Snes together as well back in the day. We mainly played Mario though.
  19. My video editing software Camtasia has a screen recording feature that does an incredible job. The reason I use it is its ease to use - you just have to press the recording button and that's it and the recordings are very smooth.
  20. I was hopeful it might pass as decent but good is a stretch - a really long stretch at that.
  21. I use Camtasia and it takes at most an hour to render but in terms of the actual video editing, 2-3 hours for me. Then again, my videos don't usually last longer than 3 mins.
  22. Didn't we have this discussion about a month back? I think both of us agreed that it probably wouldn't be very good if I remember correctly.
  23. If I can learn at my own pace and it doesn't take up a lot of time - sure. I don't see why not.
  24. killamch89


    I am so not changing your diaper!
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