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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Back in high school, I once called Pizza Hut and spoke in a fake Asian accent and asked them if they served cat pizza and ask them when it would be ready.😂 I can't believe I managed to stay serious the entire time. There is a gaming lounge that I used to visit every Saturday as a teen that re-opened recently. I started going there and it is nice to play some Sega Rally Racing again and interact with the other patrons there and then go clubbing at around 12 am and go home the next morning.
  2. killamch89


    Fair enough but I still have my guard at max because EA is lurking in the background. What I am afraid is if Anthem gets decent reception that EA will just try to insert tons of microtransaction into the game.
  3. I agree. I am seriously afraid they will come up with some kind of futuristic AC-game with the assassins wearing Power Ranger suits.🤣🤣 At this point, I wouldn't put it past them if they did something like this.
  4. The Khajits will join the side with the most coins 🤣. Seriously though, If I was either side, I would definitely get rid of them just because of how treacherous those Khajits are.
  5. I agree. I hate when you travel by foot and nearly reach your destination and then bam! you're in a boss battle or something. It is really a pain especially when you weren't really prepared for it and get killed.
  6. My choice for the most interesting video game antagonist would be Virgil from Devil May Cry 3. Dante's twin brother is such an interesting character because they both wanted to achieve the same goal but he wanted to sacrifice his own brother to attain their father's ultimate power. Unlike Dante, he was very ruthless and calculating and seems apathetic to humans yet we learned later in the story he got a human pregnant and Nero in Devil May Cry 4 came along.
  7. My favorite classic PC games are Age Of The Empires 2, Sims 2, Max Payne, Counter Strike, Unreal Tournament and Quake 3.
  8. Final Fantasy is a favorite of mine as well. The only thing I don't like is that they changed Bahamut from the Dragon King to a Swordsman - I mean, I miss his signature mega flare😭
  9. I have a tray to the right of my PC that I store my sodas and snacks in that I will be using during a gaming session. However, I do not drink anywhere near my PC for obvious reasons.
  10. I once had a dragon glitch underground and the worst part was that he could attack me from underground while I couldn't touch him at all.
  11. killamch89


    It's difficult to tell but so far the only issues I have seen across many different playthroughs on Youtube is that the servers are very packed and the enemy Ai isn't exactly the brightest. There is also a bit of lag but otherwise it seems like a decent demo from EA (Still not convinced myself). However, it is an EA game and they are notorious for screwing up most of their games with micro-transactions and that is why I urge caution.
  12. I use it if it's there just because most times, I cannot be bothered to travel half-way across a map and having to deal with random fights/events etc. I mean occasionally when I am looking to lay waste to any and everything, I won't use fast travel in that instance because I am in no rush.
  13. It's true though. You basically have two choices do you want to be ruled by a group that is racist towards anything other than the elves or to an extent imperials or would like to be ruled by a faction that is racist towards anything other than Nords. I wish there was a kill them all choice in the game because I would have vanquished them both but there is one thing I liked about this setup though. It mirrors real life in that most political parties only care about their high ranking members and nobody else really.
  14. Did you know that a couple weeks after the official launch, Activision added microtransactions to the game. It is a very poor game - basically the previous COD with slightly better graphics but it is pretty much the same game. I will not touch another Activision/EA title until they stop trying to monetize every god damn thing in their games.
  15. Okay, I'll look it up later when I get the chance.
  16. I agree. CGI ruins most freaking cartoons nowadays - Except for a few instances, I have yet to see why CGI is really any better than an artist drawing the entire thing. It may be efficient in terms of time but the quality of the cartoon in question suffers.
  17. This should make the general populous realize that Politicians care about one damn thing and that is themselves. The partizan nonsense has to stop - it is clear that neither party is capable of leading your country in the right direction and this is where your people need to continually protest.
  18. killamch89


    A brilliant review as usual Alyxx but there is one thing I observed from watching the walkthroughs of the Demo and that was the AI of the enemies aren't all that great either.
  19. I really do want to be optimistic and I do usually approach most things like this but when EA is involved, I keep remembering things like Star Wars Battlefront 2, Mass Effect Andromeda and others and it just completely vanishes.
  20. We need this in Grand Theft Auto - It would liven up the PC servers because some of them are like complete ghost towns with modders.
  21. Article 13 from the EU affects content creators primarily - According to what I read, an aspect of the law forbids the use of another person's content whether they received permission from the original owner or not. There are some other aspects I didn't quite understand but that was what I read(correct me if I am wrong.).
  22. 5G? Do you mean that thing that would need way more radioactive antennas and electricity to run? That thing won't be mainstream for at least another 4 years and before anyone talks about how fast technology advances, let me tell you this - 5G has nowhere near the range of 4g technology so it will be a backward step. Simple things like the breeze or an umbrella can completely disrupt your 5g network. The "5G" that AT&T claims to offer is actually 4G - that's right, they are liars.
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