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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Downloadable Content It's definitely an EA game - I just can't remember its name.
  2. For me, it would usually be upload twice a week but I am busy with a couple of projects plus other things so I need to get them out of the way first. I am primarily using Youtube to promote my skills and not really looking at it as a main earner(not yet anyway). I agree with @Katri Marcell that you need to have fun with what you do and don't pressure yourself too much.
  3. I would have said gaming laptop since I need it for my animations but I already have a new one on the way (sort of...don't even want to talk about it.) So I'd say I am waiting for the new line of AMD Cpus and Navi to be released so I can go for an all AMD build.
  4. There was a football MMO that I used to play back in the days called Football Superstars. Believe me, if you want horrible you need to try that game.
  5. I agree. Youtube is my go-to place for gaming news but I also check out websites like Gamestop and maybe Ign.
  6. It is an absolutely gorgeous game and the reviews so far have been extremely positive so it will be on my list of games to get.
  7. From what I remember they usually last an average of 2 years or more.
  8. My desktop is in my living room and I have a gaming computer chair that I got for $100.
  9. I usually don't really touch aftermarket controllers because of the compatibility issues that come along with it. I know you want to save a few bucks but the best advice would be to buy a brand new controller OEM from eBay or Amazon. They usually have auctions for these kinds of items and you can get extremely lucky and get one for an extremely reasonable price.
  10. I sincerely hope they don't shut down Bioware if Anthem doesn't do very well because they are also infamous for this kind of practice.
  11. I agree, $40+ dollars for an Xbox one controller every time I get mad would be a bit steep.
  12. Of course, I will read it because you make excellent reviews but the fact remains that EA is bound to screw up at some point.
  13. Not for me either🤣. I have had food poisoning before and believe me, I really don't want to go through that again.
  14. I've been burnt too many times by EA to be optimistic. I'll wait a month or two before I make any decision regarding this game.
  15. I can dance although I would be a bit rusty because I haven't really done it in a while.
  16. I have been to Six Flags, Disney World and Universal Studios - all in Orlando, Florida.
  17. Same here. Sometimes, I feel like I am just wasting my money and time going in the first place. I am fully aware of that. My dad used to be extremely health up until a couple years ago and then his health has been going downhill ever since.
  18. Ebay is pretty sweet and I also shop from there a lot. Don't forget the two-day shopping on Amazon Prime.
  19. Well, this is the first time I have heard of the term but I cannot really remember having any such incidents.
  20. lol. Me personally, it was a Honda motorcycle that my brother gave me when he was migrating to the US back when I was in high school. Funny enough, I never really rode it to school because I had to save up for gas so I only rode it on weekends - Good Times!
  21. I agree that Amazon is very useful indeed especially for computer parts that would take an eternity to find online or anywhere else normally and the prices would be exorbitant. I love Amazon Prime's two-day shipping - it is ridiculously fast.
  22. I just feel like EA is going to do an EA and screw the game up entirely after release.
  23. I've just been talking to my shipper all week -_-.
  24. I've been watching his playthroughs since 2013 and although he does miss some very vital stuff in-game which does annoy me a bit, he isn't bad at all.
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