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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. On 1/15/2019 at 3:06 AM, UleTheVee said:

    First off, It's Gran TURISMO.

    Secondly, it's a competitive racing game that's been backed up by official leagues.

    Thirdly, Gran Turismo Sport is better :V

    Gran Turismo Sport looks great on the PS4 pro - I'll give it that but I am practically watching the early Gran Turismo games with a bit of refinement.

  2. To be honest, I am indecisive because I love shopping on both Ebay and Amazon and I get a lot of my stuff from those two stores. However, I also like shopping from Footlocker and Finish line for footwear so I do not have a favorite online retailer.

  3. 14 hours ago, Lee said:

    I used to have a season ticket for my local football (soccer!) team here in the UK. 

    I gave it up this season due to work commitments. I miss it. 😞

    Which football team is that?

  4. 14 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    I have the Steam version. Remind me to play with you once Rocket ID happens.

    I'll probably buy it at the end of the month so I will be able to join up with you guys as well.

  5. 14 hours ago, Lee said:

    I use prime for next day delivery. 

    I also use prime on occasion for TV, Sneaky Pete being one of my favourite shows available.

    I am never going without Amazon prime again because regular Amazon shipping sucks - I mean, I once bought an item and they said it would arrive in two weeks...It instead arrived in 6 weeks and I am not even joking.

  6. 14 hours ago, Lee said:

    I want to see a remake of Aladdin 😄

    You have to tell the younger generation who Aladdin is because they would not know that such a character exists. On a more serious note though, Aladdin is one of Disney's most underrated characters and the original cartoon series made me laugh my socks off.

  7. 14 hours ago, Lee said:

    It isn't a horror movie, don't be fooled in to thinking that. 

    It is a thriller. Pretty good one too. 

    The story line has some pretty major holes in it, but the acting is good and as ever Sandra Bullock is amazing. 


    I actually got a chance to watch the movie and I just had to stop watching it because it bored me to death.

  8. Believe me, I thought our politicians were bad but this Brexit thing is on a whole other level. Those politicians do not have the guts to abide by the people's vote to leave the EU - To be fair, the EU seems like one big mess as well so I can see the rationale behind leaving. The thing that stood out to me is that they didn't have a concrete plan to deal with the transition from the EU and it seems that leaving actually might hurt the UK even more. It seemed like they sold the people a dream that they would never commit to themselves (typical politicians - all talk and no action).

  9. 4 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Really now? I really think that forums are more popular than ever. Heck, most information journalists gather info from forums.

    I kind of have to agree with DC on this one because I have been on the forum scene for quite some time as well. I can say that his analysis is correct for the most part and although I have seen a growth in gaming forums popularity over the past 2 years, the other types of forums are quickly becoming obsolete.

  10. 4 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    I mean, I'm as skeptical as everyone else. I even wrote coverage for VGR myself. But see, the people who aremaking this console are people known for doing technical achievements with their games. They also have a heavy background on the tech and gaming industries. SO I really wouldn't put it past them if they went ahead for the console market.


    I agree that it could happen and it would definitely bring more life to the console market but they lack the backing of many major publishers. Their reputation is nowhere near the Big Three so this may very well be a make or break situation for them.

  11. 13 hours ago, Lee said:

    I thought RDR2 was overrated. 

    Takes too long to get going and the story line wasn't as engrossing to me as the first instalment. 


    Well, at least not everyone agrees so I can respect that.

    5 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Oof, at the very least we have differing opinions. Where have you been? XD

    We need more people with differing opinions. I find that the discussions become a lot better.

  12. 7 hours ago, Cleopatra92 said:

    I generally prefer single player games because in my experience they have more longevity. Though I feel like with today's DRM from most places, that's diminished somewhat. 

    I could pop in my disc for the Sims 2 or Morrowind in any computer that would run it and just go. I will have it forever. I could drag out an old machine and show my kids these games in 20 years or whatever. 

    Don't get me wrong, I still love and play several online games (even MMOs), but I generally lean more towards single player. 

    I am currently trying to decide on a new MMORPG to play but just can't seem to find one that I really fancy that much.

  13. 41 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    LOL, do you know which YouTubers we're talking about? RiceGum and Logan Paul certainly didn't give a damn. KEEMSTAR was the only person who had enough integrity to not do this shit.

    Well, that certainly explains it...Logan Paul is self-explanatory and RiceGum is almost as bad as he is...

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