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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Good Luck Lee! Please try to stay on top of the bed and don't try to hide under it while playing.🤣
  2. Funny enough, I have never played Overwatch before but considering they are an Activision-Blizzard game, that kind of crappy micro-transaction scheme does not surprise me in the least bit. Their company and reputation were built up by those disgusting practices and it has been this way with them for a decade,
  3. I don't mind as long as I get to play certain games before most other people and that is a pretty good reward within itself.
  4. I think we are compatible. (I wasn't coming on to you btw XD) I love being the person that aggros the whole group to fight me. I once beat a 5-man dungeon with only me and the healer surviving for like 80% of it. The last boss in particular eventually managed to kill the healer and I somehow defeated him by myself...I was so surprised when I did it lol. A great healer is an absolute must in an RPG party or else the whole party will fail.
  5. That's one hell of a deal and it's only $8.99!
  6. I hope this will teach be a lesson to most other YouTubers to think carefully about who they promote because it only takes one bad incident to completely ruin your reputation.
  7. So they are indirectly promoting fraud as well which is a very serious offense. In the eyes of the law, they are co-conspirators in this fraudulent operation - Have any of them been arrested?
  8. It's something that most of us blacks don't understand because our parents always emphasized cooking the meat thoroughly. Hell, they'll even bring up the fact that is how cavemen cooked their meat. I mean, I saw this video where a guy throws vinegar on a piece of meat and worms start crawling out from out of the meat.
  9. Touche...I can't disagree with what you said.
  10. Yeah, like Microsoft Office and basic email programs.
  11. Yes, we need to see the perfectly co-ordinated technique of the drunken fist. I am not that skilled at it because...well, I no long drink alcohol so...yeah, there is no getting drunk for me.
  12. Does sound like you had just one glass there @Lee 😂
  13. You have a valid point there lol.
  14. killamch89

    I'm Lee.

    Welcome, Lee to VGR! Just a quick question...ummm..is Lee short for Jet Lee, Spike Lee or Lee dungarees? 🤣
  15. Funny enough, I love funny videos as well and I use Youtube to look up all kinds of things. It is like the visual version of Google.
  16. I'm way ahead of you guys! *orders pizza*
  17. It is a criminal offense to promote gambling to minors so they should have some kind of charge. They need to be more responsible with how they use their platform and what you are promoting.
  18. Welcome to VGR! We do not judge or discriminate against any kind of gamer...unless you're name is Jared Fogle or R.Kelly in which case we reserve the right to call/inform the authorities. Have fun!
  19. killamch89


    I used to watch it a lot as a kid. My favorite stars were The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker and Kane.
  20. hahahaha!!! Yes, both aspects of Martial Arts are very important.
  21. I know what you mean. That's very good.
  22. I was just saying that if laptops were able to be built from scratch, I would definitely do it but it is way too difficult and expensive right now.
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