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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. That's one of the cons with living alone and that's why you have to find one or two good neighbors you can trust. Luckily, I have fantastic neighbors and we always look out for each other.
  2. If I remember correctly, I was working as a salesperson for a mobile provider. It was a summer job but it paid pretty decently.
  3. Putting extra spice on spicy foods is something I've done as well but I've never put it on cake or cereal. To be fair, I did try Hot Scream once which is a spicy ice cream but I'm not sure if it's still around.
  4. Which racing games made you want to get into drifting? Gran Turismo made me want to get into track racing.
  5. You should ask about the people that still play with RCs as adults? Are they also too old to play with RCs?
  6. Yep - they're also under another monopoly lawsuit in the EU for trying to create a monopoly by acquiring Mistral AI. Microsoft, Google and Amazon have always been like this and they get away with it most of the time.
  7. I'm still not sure what to say. It's been about a week since he's died but I'm speechless - I remember rushing home to watch Dragon ball and Dragon Ball Z on Toonami as a kid and it was the series that really got me into anime. His characters will always be timeless - Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, Piccolo and the others. It almost feels like I've lost a family member and I have never met him in person. What do you think of his passing?
  8. Todo's Black Flash in Jujutsu Kaisen was amazing!
  9. I was playing some Xenoblade Chronicles 3 on my Switch. Absolutely a banger of a game and pretty underrated in my opinion.
  10. I love French Fries but I also love making Mash Potatoes. It's a really good substitute for rice especially during dinner.
  11. I normally have Pancakes with Maple Syrup, scrambled eggs and some toast or if I'm really in the mood, french toast.
  12. What ingredient is in the Non-Veg loaded Pizza? Do you believe me that I have a cousin the puts Hot Sauce on almost everything including ice cream? I mean, I love my spice as well but it always baffled me why she did that.
  13. That sounds pretty awesome - I did get quite a few Nintendo Power magazines back in the day as well except they were kind of outdated because the store I bought them from had them for ages.
  14. Maybe you should try gaming with VR. That way you can exercise and still get some gaming sessions in.
  15. Music isn't exactly the most important feature of a game but it can enhance or detract from the immersion in-game.
  16. In my opinion, it's important but shouldn't be the best feature of the game. I'd much rather the gameplay be excellent and the graphics a bit dated than playing a lackluster game.
  17. I agree - I did like some of Shadow's dialogue in the game though. His whole persona is certainly different from Sonic and I felt like it was emphasized really well in this game.
  18. I mean, Nintendo has been pushing this back for the past two or three years. I'll take this with a grain of salt and we haven't heard anything about a new Metroid game either so that's just wishful thinking.
  19. Honestly - no. Don't get me wrong, I do like Mario but I hardly even celebrate my own birthday so I don't really care about Mario Day.
  20. For me, a videogame is rated a masterpiece if it meets the following criteria: Fantastic and unique gameplay and mechanics Above average Graphical detail and sound Amazing Storytelling and Lore Memorable characters
  21. That's actually pretty bonkers - usually a game that has been cancelled so many times would never see the light of day but I guess the developers of Kien had that undying spirit.
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