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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I have never gotten around to playing the original so I'll stick with the second one 😀
  2. A noble prize in Literature? Based on the lyrics of this song, his writing couldn't be anything that outstanding but maybe he has other pieces of work that are.
  3. Fair point. Often times they get the name of the systems wrong, the year they were released totally off.
  4. Motorcycle riding or snowboarding. I'd travel in the past to Ancient Rome so that I could watch an event at one of the Gladiator Arenas.
  5. I agree wholeheartedly - I've never ever spent $1000 dollars on a game but this guy racked up $62,000K? He should have every ultra rare item in the game right now.
  6. I'm not totally convinced that many kids nowadays would be interested in something like this - not when Fortnite's around. I think it's geared towards the 80s/90s generation of gamers like you and me. The legendary cartridge blow is one memory I'll never forget 🤣
  7. Sounds like somebody's drunk uncle around a campfire 🤣
  8. Devil May Cry and Ghost Recon Future Soldier.
  9. Still one of my favorites after 8 years.
  10. Or using the dual-ingrams while diving backwards in slow motion in Max Payne...
  11. The best Batman superhero experience in a video game by a long mile. I'm not sure i can think of any other superhero series I've played where it immersed you into the world of a particular superhero quite like the Arkham series. You'll enjoy it for sure except maybe Origins because it's shit.
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