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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 55 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    You guys don't need an introduction. Several Youtubers promoted a website that enables gambling with IRL loot boxes called Mystery brand. What are your thoughts on it?

    They should be charged for child endangerment because they are promoting gambling to their underage audiences.

  2. 3 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Agree, I like stuff that doesn't take long to make.. 

    If I have the time every now and then - it's fine but when I'm as hungry as a lion and the meal takes forever and I don't have blame somebody for taking so long to prepare the meal, it really drives me up a wall! 🤣

  3. 3 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    I don't mind rare steak.. I know people that like it well done!!!  Not me..

    I can understand people's preference but I was never really keen on why the meat shouldn't be cooked fully. I would like somebody to explain it to me - I mean, isn't that dangerous for your health?

  4. 2 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    No I don't, probably should.. Always afraid of getting bad news I guess.

    I do it once a year as a routine but I can understand your dread. It's better to know beforehand though so that you have a chance of completely reversing any ill-effects.

  5. 2 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Ok, interesting .. It,s more practicing technique ?

    Practicing techniques is very important because that is what determines your effectiveness as a fighter but sparring is what teaches you which techniques work in what situation.

  6. 9 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Your right about attention tp detail.. Love that good chefs..perfection

    They once made a bbq chicken sub-sandwich with melted cheese, tomato, lettuce, onion, cucumber and some bbq sauce in between the bread and I have made it a couple times myself. The only reason I don't prepare it more often because it is very time-consuming to prepare.

  7. 5 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    That would scary  . 

    The scary thing is that my mom said I was her favorite grandson before she died and she used to the same thing to me when I was a baby. She likely never meant any harm and probably was just glad to see me...I guess.

  8. 6 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    How many  years did you study it.

    One year and then I stopped because I was getting bored because there wasn't any real competitor to fight against at my level.

  9. 6 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Lol  And handy in all jobs now days . I grew up using cursive ..

    Yeah, it is a very important skill to learn and I think most companies nowadays take it for granted that most people have mastered the basics of typing.

  10. 4 minutes ago, UleTheVee said:

    Because you guys really need to have somewhere to make these questions. So yeah, I can answer them. Maybe my friends at VGR can answer with their own experiences too!

    What are the prizes for the competitors in your tournaments?

  11. Just now, UleTheVee said:

    We literally are off the heels from the WalMart pre-built computer controversy. Imagine that.

    And the study warranty policies that keep you from attempting to upgrade a system as well as the ridiculous repair costs of pre-built systems. Hell, the only reason I get a pre-built laptop is that the components are fused to the motherboard making it ridiculously difficult to upgrade. otherwise, I'd take a crack at building my own laptop.

  12. Just now, UleTheVee said:

    Building is better because you are going to get your components. Not to mention pre-builts are infamous for their build quality

    And don't get me started on the wiring for pre-built PCs...

  13. 9 hours ago, DanTheGamer said:

    When I used to keep a gaming PC around it was always cool to have it be all lit up. Before I was done, I believe the side case fan was lit up with Blue LED's and the front of the case was lit up with a red LED. I thought it was the most amazing thing ever! If I could of had my way I would probably have added even more 🙂 I like the lights on a computer it seems to give it some personality.

    Well, I am much different because I do not like a lot of LEDs in my gaming rig at all. I already have a Christmas tree and I could go get myself a disco ball if I wanted a lot of different lights.🤣

  14. I prefer to build it myself because it is cheaper and it gives you a sense of satisfaction when you finished building one and it is working. You'll feel like that mad scientist when he awakened Frankenstein - You'll find yourself saying "It's Alive!!!"😂  Did I mention it gives you bragging rights? lol

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