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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I love using it at closer ranges but there is just something about firing a rocket from halfway across the map and seeing someone run right into its trajectory and hearing their reaction afterward is hilarious.
  2. Very true. Rockstar games could be selling a trash can and you would see millions lining up to buy it.
  3. It is fun to have a whole server hunting you down though...I am always creating mischief online but yeah, they are quite time-consuming.
  4. This is what I have been pointing out to people about EA games for years. They offer a slightly improved, graphical re-skin of last year's game and sell it to you for premium prices and then they have the nerve to charge you for every DLC and make the game extremely grindy to the point you have to spend money just to enjoy the game.
  5. Sounds ideal. What are the prizes for the winners and other competitors?
  6. I was going to give this game a run but I am quite busy at the moment though but thanks for reminding me about downloading this game.
  7. I have over 30 games right now and my favorite platforming game of all time is Ratchet and Clank. You should get a can of air to blow the dust off your keyboard. I never put water near any of my computer components because it will damage it.
  8. I agree. Typing is distracting so I use the microphone.
  9. That's what we said 2-3 years ago when 4k gaming just started to hit the scene but the price is basically the same and I don't see the gaming industry trying to make it mainstream or making any serious attempt to develop it at all.
  10. killamch89

    Diablo immortal

    Activision is sinking faster than the Titanic...At the rate they are going, I can see them going bankrupt in 2 years.
  11. Nintendo is going to make him super broke - how will he ever manage to pay off that debt?
  12. It will definitely not be under $500 dollars for all its offerings - 4k VR gaming is expensive as hell and to get a PC to be VR compatible requires a lot of capital.
  13. The one way I can tell you is to get a Laptop cooling pad and ensure it is the ones that can be slightly tilted off the surface and that should keep your gaming laptop cool (speaking as a gaming laptop owner.).
  14. I remembered the backlash Steam got for that game and it took them a while to take it down.
  15. Hideo Kojima was the one that made that Metal Gear franchise into the monstrosity it is. I am not really surprised by the quality of his work and Death stranding will certainly knock it out of the park...It is a shame it will be a PlayStation-exclusive title. 😭
  16. Crossplay for life! This is a very good development because all gamers can enjoy the game with friends who play on different platforms.
  17. From what I have read over the past year and a half since it's release, it is not quite as thorough as Steam Greenlight when it comes to developers. Any and everything can be put up on Steam Direct. They had a game called the suicide simulator up on Steam and I'm not sure it was ever taken down.
  18. One of my all-time favorite Nickelodeon shows and Cosmo always managed to leave me in stitches.
  19. That's a very interesting choice to be honest.
  20. I remembered that episode because that is around the time I stopped watching wrestling and he was never wrong about anything he said because that is actually what is happening right now.
  21. It was a digital purchase and I can't quite remember the game either because it was years ago.
  22. It is sold everywhere so you should check the UK eBay website and get a brand new pair. I haven't really sold anything on eBay either and I am not sure how much eBay takes out for posting your item but you can either choose to incur the cost of shipping the item to the customer or you can let them pay the shipping fee. An auction is a great way to maximize the amount of cash for the item but there is a chance that very few people bid and their bids are ridiculously low and you have to sell the item for that said price. A clever way to go about it is put it as buy now but be willing to take an offer so you can price the item slightly above what it would go for but take an offer that is closest to what you really want.
  23. Eden Eternal shut down from about 2016 and I stopped playing from 2013 but thanks for the handy tip.
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