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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I have had quite a few but I remember playing a game named Football Superstars where unless you spent $50 dollars a month, you would be left behind every other P2W player and that was low tier spending.
  2. What about MMORPGs although to be honest, there aren't that many good ones out at the moment.
  3. Well, the EA CEO said if you don't like our game, don't buy it and I followed suit. He made the decision so much easier for me - wait a minute...I wasn't going to buy it anyways.😂
  4. Yes, it is a great investment because Rockstar always delivers.
  5. Which are yoru favorites to play competitively?
  6. It has to be James Bond Goldeneye 007 for the Nintendo 64 because it was ridiculously fun to play(downright addictive at times.) and many FPS games that came after took it's core gameplay mechanics and incorporated it into their games. The single player story was amazing and the multiplayer...I don't even know where to begin.
  7. A carrier pigeon is way cheaper than that and outside of the little issues like the pigeon getting shot by hunters, eaten by other birds or mating season. You should be fine - I guess? XD
  8. It is true because it comes in handy for jobs like audio transcription.
  9. Funny enough I can still do the moves even though I don't practice. I just don't have the time to get back into something like that because it takes some real effort and focus.
  10. I got one of my chicken sandwich recipes from them and I like their attention to detail.
  11. I came across that a couple times like the time I went to visit some family in a rural area and was staying at my dead grandma's house. I woke up one night to see her standing over me...I screamed and ran into the room my mom was staying in and slept in there. I was a kid at the time.
  12. Once every 6 months possibly - to be honest, I can't tell the last time I had some waffles to be honest. I think it was when I went to visit my mom one morning last year but can't remember which time it was.
  13. I have never really played an instrument before and it is quite a shame because my dad is very good at playing the piano.
  14. It's pretty warm in the days around 32 degrees celcius but it drops to like 15-20 degrees in the night.
  15. I'll ship some via carrier pigeon - You might miss some though because...well, the pigeon might get hungry on the way.😂
  16. They selling you an overpriced gaming PC...Seriously, who the hell checks emails on their consoles? Is that a common practice now? Where was I when this trend started becoming popular? 🤣
  17. I would go for a proper gaming headset for the quality experience but if you are still happy with your Sennheiser earphones and you can't afford a new one at the moment, then just keep going with that.
  18. I have the hyper Cloud Gaming headset(the original one) and I paid $70 dollars for it about 3 years ago but it is still going strong. It has very good reviews and yes, while I could recommend it because it is still an awesome headset, I am trying to upgrade to one of their more modern versions - especially the alpha or the stinger series. I would suggest using eBay to sell your current set and you can find a brand new pair of that platform as well. Just be sure to check that the seller is a highly reputable one.
  19. I miss those days too but I don't think removable batteries will ever make a comeback.
  20. Both games are riddled with microtransactions at every turn but it is no surprise because both their publishers, EA and Activision are really infamous for that kind of approach.
  21. I do block people but they always seem to find ways around that and after reporting them, the devs take an unusually long time to deal with the situation so changing my username alleviates that problem right away. Once and it was because this modder kept bothering me and the admin of Eden Eternal took unusually long to hand such an issue so changing username really came in handy.
  22. Thanks for your valuable input infected.
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