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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Most CEOs earn way more in one year than most of us in a decade and they get all kinds of bonuses and incentives as well. They couldn't care less what direction the company is moving in - As long as they continue to make money is all that matters to them.
  2. Probably not but we will definitely meet that goal by March. I could be wrong though.
  3. His Red Dead Redemption 2 videos are absolutely hilarious especially the online ones. His videos always make me crack and I do watch Vanoss from time to time as well and I also enjoy his GTA videos.
  4. Most admins in a game take forever to look into a situation. There are only a few games where I know the admins act very swiftly such as Fortnite.
  5. They are very crafty - You'd be amazed although, in this particular situation, they can't really pull that off.
  6. I tend to find myself falling asleep when I am playing a ridiculously easy game. I tend to set every game to the hardest setting when I get it and just enjoy the ride.
  7. Me neither. I have been playing games where the whole server is DDos'd by a hacker.
  8. Have you ever done martial arts? If so, how long have you been doing it and what rank/grade are you? Have you ever had to use it to defend yourself? How often do you train and have you won anything at any tournaments?
  9. What is the most bizarre encounter you ever had? Did you find it hilarious or frightening or were you just downright confused? The most bizarre encounter that stood out to me was a few years ago, I was doing some shopping and a salesman came up to me and offered some products which I wasn't interested in so I turned him down politely. Of course being a salesman, he was quite persistent to the point he started to annoy me so I told him to get away from me and then a dog jumps right in front of me and starts barking and growling at the guy and scared him off. The mall security comes over to me and is like" Sir, you need to control your dog." I was like "But that's not my dog at all." A few moments later, his owner turns up. It turns out the dog jumped out the lady's car and into the mall and he somehow encountered me. Brutus(the dog's name) gave me his paw when he was leaving. I just started laughing hysterically after the whole incident. What was your most bizarre encounter?
  10. Do you know how to cook and if so, how often do you cook? Do you cook for your family or just yourself? How did you learn to cook? Personally, I learned to cook from my mother who showed me how to create very tasty dishes and I cook for myself almost every day except on the weekends maybe. What about you?
  11. Have you ever visited a theme park? If so, when was the last time you went? Did you go with anyone or by yourself? How much time did you spend there?
  12. Do you like pancakes? If so, do you pour any kind of syrup on your pancakes? How often do you have pancakes every month?
  13. Do you like Mobas? If so, why do you like them? How often do you play them?
  14. How often do you buy games and how many do you buy at a time? Do you start playing them immediately after purchase or do you have a period in the week to try out these new games?
  15. What is your type of weapon to use in FPS games and why do you use it? What situations and how often do you use it?
  16. What is your favorite car in the Need For Speed series? Why do you like using it?
  17. Hahaha! My wish is that they'd all be stuffed into a barrel and thrown into the Mariana trench but it probably won't happen in this lifetime.
  18. I do. I'm an original Gran Tourismo player but the series has been lacking innovation since the third Gran Tourismo game in the early 2000s.
  19. killamch89

    Diablo immortal

    The problem with the game was Activision riddled it with micro-transactions and the fanbase of course made their feelings known. Activision's greed is what is sinking them very quickly - give it two years and they may very well be filing bankruptcy.
  20. Same as me. I never usually change usernames either unless I am trying to avoid someone in-game so I change names. Otherwise, I always keep the same username.
  21. Made in China? 🤣 In all seriousness though, chinese manufacturers tend to rip-off almost anything nowadays.
  22. I love when it is ridiculously hard but beatable as I find that when a game is way too easy, I tend to avoid that game.
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