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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. If I play a game with the same character concept for an extended period of time, I tend to get really bored of it.
  2. TV channels, in general, lack a lot of original content nowadays because the film/TV industry no longer believes in producing unique content.
  3. No, we don't want any Pepsi. Give us Mountain Dews, Sprites, 7-ups and Fanta.
  4. Why would people associate you with Centralist?
  5. I agree that in FPS games in general, the missions all tend to follow the same formula - I much rather some chaos every stage to be honest. At least it will keep me on my toes.
  6. As bad as GTA V online is right now, it is still 1000 times better than the online experience of any games that EA, Activision or Bethesda can come up with.
  7. They are absolutely disgusting and it will serve as a warning to any game publisher that thinks they are too big to fail to re-think their priorities. The profits they saw last year all came from cost-cutting measures like firing staff and to see two of their CEOs jump ship like that tells me that they are already in a bad spot.
  8. I'll get a Nintendo switch next month so I can play Smash Ultimate.
  9. Yes, it is definitely a good time but the real question is where is Borderlands 3?
  10. I agree that E3 is the place to be and I probably should try to attend it next year.
  11. You right but I also heard that Bethesda uploaded vaporware on player's computers without permission as well.
  12. I don't go very deeply into the roleplay aspect of the game but I do create different characters with very different playstyles so that I can enjoy the many experiences that the particular rpg provides.
  13. No, I have never attended one but if I were to attend one, it would be E3 because it is the biggest gaming convention in the world. In addition to that, the biggest gaming publishing companies always announce new, exciting games and consoles so I would definitely want to be there.
  14. I tend to do that in most NFS games as well, just drive around aimlessly. I am not sure why but it is so therapeutic lol.
  15. Same as me. I have multiple saves at multiple points in the game just in case I need to revisit that point in the game if I missed something.
  16. killamch89

    VGR Sports Bar

    I think that this game should have been aired somewhere else. I mean, Is that a murder scene or a football game?
  17. That's awesome Mont. At least it isn't out of the way for you so you should take full advantage of it.
  18. Yeah, that's true. I am happy with the debit card because I can only spend my own money - I can't go beyond my limits. It prevents me from racking up any debt.
  19. Yeah, you're right about that. I'll go first thing in the morning.
  20. turkey slices with grill cheese sandwich between two toasted bread slices.
  21. A pretty bizarre policy if you ask me but Fallout 76 has way more issues than just that. The list is too long to cover in one post lol - it'd need its own forum.
  22. I got most of it right but sometimes it is very subtle unless you really are paying attention. The part I do not get is how come they do not have some kind of aimbot detection system installed in-game because these are some of the more popular hacking tools used especially in FPS titles.
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