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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 2 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    Repetitive quests (looking at you Far Cry 5). It's clear when developers/designers have no creativity and just create a large proportion of missions that are basically the same with some aspects changed slightly. A lot of shooter games suffer from this as well. Shoot enemies, get objective, run away. Rockstar is probably the best developer for avoiding this (out of the developers I have played). 

    I agree that in FPS games in general, the missions all tend to follow the same formula - I much rather some chaos every stage to be honest. At least it will keep me on my toes.

  2. 15 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Again, it's a Rockstar game.

    Just look at the people above both of us, they have sung their praises and some even were very skeptical. The online mode sucks, but really, this is a single player experience like none other.

    As bad as GTA V online is right now, it is still 1000 times better than the online experience of any games that EA, Activision or Bethesda can come up with.

  3. 18 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Love to see the nice thoughts in this forum

    They are absolutely disgusting and it will serve as a warning to any game publisher that thinks they are too big to fail to re-think their priorities. The profits they saw last year all came from cost-cutting measures like firing staff and to see two of their CEOs jump ship like that tells me that they are already in a bad spot.

  4. 18 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    Not really. The issue I?m talking about is how FO76 scans the user's computer without any authorization. Imagine other games doing the exact same thing. Not only that, but aimbot programs can sneak into those things with soft-codes anyways.

    Also, you don't need to quote the big posts people make to get their attention. They can see you commenting lol



    You right but I also heard that Bethesda uploaded vaporware on player's computers without permission as well.

  5. 5 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    Do you get into the “roleplay” aspect of single player RPGs like Skyrim, Dragon Age, etc?

    I see so many people on forums with elaborate character concepts, and they often make vastly different choices on their playthroughs based on how their characters would think and react.

    I think that is really cool, but for my part, I always find the only choices I can make in games are the ones I would actually make myself. Anything else makes me lose immersion.


    I don't go very deeply into the roleplay aspect of the game but I do create different characters with very different playstyles so that I can enjoy the many experiences that the particular rpg provides. 

  6. No, I have never attended one but if I were to attend one, it would be E3 because it is the biggest gaming convention in the world. In addition to that, the biggest gaming publishing companies always announce new, exciting games and consoles so I would definitely want to be there.

  7. On 1/12/2019 at 4:40 PM, DarthHazard said:

    First Person Shooter's, Racing Games and Open World Games. In terms of FPS games, I tend to prefer more modern settings like what we got with Battlefield 4. I like racing games but tend to prefer open world racing games like Crew 2 or the latest NFS games. Most of the time, I only really play the racing games to drive around in a car and tend to not care about the actual racing races lol  😄 .

    I tend to do that in most NFS games as well, just drive around aimlessly. I am not sure why but it is so therapeutic lol.

  8. On 1/12/2019 at 4:30 PM, DarthHazard said:

    If you have a game save then you can always load it through the menu and play from that point in the game save. I made sure to make a game save at every major point/chapter so that I can go back and play for achievements and to ensure I can complete all the challenges. It's worked for me and it should for you 😉

    Same as me. I have multiple saves at multiple points in the game just in case I need to revisit that point in the game if I missed something.

  9. 5 hours ago, DC said:

    Wow Patriots taking care of business. 35-7.

    I think that this game should have been aired somewhere else. I mean, Is that a murder scene or a football game?

  10. 18 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    That's good , My work offers a gym.. It makes it nice because the equipment is nicer then I could afford.

    That's awesome Mont. At least it isn't out of the way for you so you should take full advantage of it.

  11. 13 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Exactly .. So people were easy targets.

    Yeah, that's true. I am happy with the debit card because I can only spend my own money - I can't go beyond my limits. It prevents me from racking up any debt.

  12. 1 minute ago, UleTheVee said:

    SOme programs can bypass this and this is THE reason why people are giving flack to Fallout 76.  It's called "Privacy"

    A pretty bizarre policy if you ask me but Fallout 76 has way more issues than just that. The list is too long to cover in one post lol - it'd need its own forum.

  13. 1 hour ago, UleTheVee said:

    I get it, it's hard to know when someone you're playing and is doing suspiciously well is either hacking or not. However, once you learn how to notice their behaviors, you will know who is actually hitting you in the face and cheating and who is just a really skilled player who doesn't deserve to be called a hacker.

    However, what are the tools that hackers use to get an unfair advantage? The most common types are Soft Aimbots and Aimlocks. However, there are also some game-specific cheats that can be used such as ESP (Extra Sensorial Perception) cheats or Wallhacks.

    A very useful way to determine someone is hacking or not is to always look at the player's actions and wonder whether or not this was a read or prediction. Always ask yourself "If I were a professional player, would I be playing this way?" Sniper players mostly rely on scoping as soon as they see a target. However, they DO NOT scope behind a wall unless they KNOW that there is someone nearby. This suggests that the player has some sort of wallhack on.

    Remember, actions change according to the tools we have available to us. In a shooter game, you don't have immediate access to the enemy team's location. As such, if you see someone who seems to know what's ahead even though it's fairly certain that you are not even near their FOV (Field of Vision). They are most likely hacking.

    Other actions can actually tell you a lot of things. An Aimbot will always target the player that's closest to them. As such, when they are faced with multiple players the crosshair will always snap onto the target in an attempt to track them down. And yes, it looks extremely unnatural from a player perspective too. Always be on the lookout for how the player you suspect of hacking moves IN and OUT of combat. If their movement is smooth before combat but the second they get to attack others they start snapping all over the place, it's obviously a hack.

    I'll briefly touch on ESPs as they only affect games with characters that can turn invisible. ESPs basically allow you to know the locations of, or see every player in the game whether there are walls or terrain in the way or whatever. Considering the fact that this isn't what we can naturally do it's why it's called Extra Sensorial Perception. This sort of cheat can easily be found if you play as that invisible player and bait it out. For example, in TF2, it's quite commmon to play Spy with the stock invis watch and then use it before entering within the range of the hacker. If the hacker shoots you down or tracks you while you're invisible despite giving absolutely no hint you would be there. It's a person using a ESP.

    Now that you've got this out of the way. Let's try going for the practical use. MaxBox made a great video showing off clips of cheaters in Professional TF2 play. Can you determine who is a hacker?


    I got most of it right but sometimes it is very subtle unless you really are paying attention. The part I do not get is how come they do not have some kind of aimbot detection system installed in-game because these are some of the more popular hacking tools used especially in FPS titles.

  14. 1 hour ago, mont86 said:

    Exercise at home or a gym ?

    Exercise at home because I really don't have time to be visiting a gym so I bought myself a couple of dumbells and resistance bands. I use these and do bodyweight exercises to keep in shape and I also do some jogging twice a week.

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