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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. It's funny, I don't know the canon of the Alien universe and I have watched every movie and I have read a few of the comics.
  2. I hope so too although...I also wanted to go to Brazil or Panama as well but I will probably know by summer.
  3. That's a smart solution actually and I hope they do include backward-compatibility in the next PlayStation.
  4. Personally, my life is a bit different. I seem to impact everything I come into contact with but I am the one who usually isn't aware of it until I start paying closer attention to what's going on.
  5. Let's see - Cuba, Puerto Rico, Mainland USA, Canada...I am actually planning a trip to Chile this year, it depends on if I meet my financial targets for this year by then.
  6. I never missed an episode and I still re-watch it every now and then. One of my favorites as well ^_^
  7. I know you enjoy your PS3 but when do you plan on upgrading to a more modern console? Or will you be content with it for another 1-2 years?
  8. Yeah, it is because a huge part of the gameplay experience is immersion and making the player feel some kind of connection to the game world. Without that, most people would stop playing a game after a short period.
  9. I don't see them in my country of course but I have seen it reported on the news.
  10. Funny enough, that couldn't build you a half decent house here in Jamaica. At most, it will get you a couple of rooms but that's it.
  11. I could do that but it's not every weekend I want pizza. Sometimes, I crave a bucket of chicken from KFC or a couple sub sandwiches from Quiznos.
  12. No actually at the end of the first Alien vs predator, there was a Xenomorph born from a Predator.
  13. I haven't heard anybody say Backstreet Boys or N'sync...What am I the only one that loved their music growing up?
  14. Almost every day except when I might be going out of town for business and currently I have about 20,000 miles on it.
  15. Most times I finish it the same night but there have been a few instances where I save it for lunch the following day. I have a very high metabolism rate.
  16. Weirdest thing that has happened to you in the last year?
  17. If you had $10,000 US right now, what would you do with it?
  18. Food. 🤣 Just talking about food makes me extremely hungry. I am convinced I can eat more food than shaggy and scooby combined.
  19. Nope. They were in the mountains - obviously they have been training with the Aang the Airbender. 🤣
  20. Maybe he prefers the incredible story-telling of single player games and not having to be connected to the internet 24/7 to play a game and a big bonus is no micro-transactions are usually in these games.
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