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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. I haven't heard anybody say Backstreet Boys or N'sync...What am I the only one that loved their music growing up?
  2. Almost every day except when I might be going out of town for business and currently I have about 20,000 miles on it.
  3. Most times I finish it the same night but there have been a few instances where I save it for lunch the following day. I have a very high metabolism rate.
  4. Weirdest thing that has happened to you in the last year?
  5. If you had $10,000 US right now, what would you do with it?
  6. Food. 🤣 Just talking about food makes me extremely hungry. I am convinced I can eat more food than shaggy and scooby combined.
  7. Nope. They were in the mountains - obviously they have been training with the Aang the Airbender. 🤣
  8. Maybe he prefers the incredible story-telling of single player games and not having to be connected to the internet 24/7 to play a game and a big bonus is no micro-transactions are usually in these games.
  9. On the other hand, it does look like one of those George Foreman Grills they used to sell back in the days except it has RGB on the back.🤣
  10. Possibly due to the consoles' inability to keep such a graphically intensive game running for very long periods. I wonder what console she has though? I mean, a Ps4 or Xbox one wouldn't struggle with Fallout NV so maybe it is an earlier one...
  11. And you only ever hear these speeches around Election time when they need the votes but you won't ever hear anything about it until the next election 3-4 years later and they just regurgitate the same speech and add a bit more to it to "spice" it up.
  12. But how do any of these compare to the kung fu movies with the horrible lip synching though? I admit they make great comedy relief but usually the story isn't really interesting and the speeches are absolutely boring and uninspiring.
  13. Social media has its uses when it comes to business connectivity, but the drama, pettiness and other weird stuff that comes with it is what I can't deal with.
  14. I always buy one or two large pizzas for myself. My big brother used to tease when I was younger that my stomach was like a blackhole - of course I never agreed with him openly but deep down, I think it might be true XD.
  15. When I used to own a car, I had it in black because if it wasn't that dirty, nobody would really notice. Most other colors however, a small speck of dust and it is so obvious that you will have no choice but to clean it. By the way, do you wash your car yourself or take it to the car wash?
  16. I find it really weird that the other flavors don't really appeal to me at all apart from the blueberry and plain ones. I've tried many varieties like the halloween Twinkies and other limited edition ones but they are either overtly sweet or just have some weird flavor.
  17. Even with the money I spend I tend to put aside at least a 10 or 20 dollars out of it just in case.
  18. That is very true and the wages of the rest of us don't usually increase that much at all either.
  19. No, do what you can manage. Don't overwork yourself because it will not benefit you as much in the long run and you may start to develop recurrent injuries.
  20. They do it for the status, not so much for the actual love, committment and happiness that it was actually intended to be.
  21. It's more restaurants although their are a fair share of pubs as well with the extremely drunk guy sleeping on the sidewalk.
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