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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 11 hours ago, mont86 said:

    I will add that when I was 18 grownups thought the world was going to hell.. Lol .. Just hope kids now have a good experience growing up..

    So did I Mont. They actually believed the world was going to end in the year 2000...Too bad it didn't - that was such a weird saga. But anyways, I read an article on some of these self-driving cars being attacked because some people believe the technology will take away their jobs - I mean, even pistols were drawn at it.

  2. 20 minutes ago, Alyxx said:

    lol where did that come from? EA isn't releasing Blackout as far as I know... XD

    That wasn't meant for you actually. I got the feeling that I might encounter someone here that would talk about how great Fifa is when in reality, it is the same crappy game with slightly improved graphics being sold back to the consumers at premium prices.

  3. 10 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    What's more annoying is that sometimes these people have inventories worth thousands of dollars and they end up throwing those things away for the sake of some stupid leaderboard.

    If I ever wanted to be the best at a game, I want to win fair and square so that I don't get any complaints. For instance, back in the early days of Champions Online, I was one of the top 5 PVPers in-game. My build mainly heavy weapons which most people shunned because it was impractical to use yet I took that seemingly useless skillset and added some other moves from a few other skillsets and I had a win rate of over 90%. Heck, I even fought cheaters who used devices to try and gain an advantage on me and I still floored them. Too bad they mistakenly banned my account for hacking when in fact, It was a guy with an almost identical username was doing the hacking. I had returned to the game but I just was not that into it anymore.

  4. 10 hours ago, UleTheVee said:

    The major problem isn't the fact that Bethesda games aren't fun. They can be once you brush aside all of the bugs. But the fact that these people insist on not getting money from mods because their stupid Paid Mods strategy backfired is what keeps them from actually doing good things.

    I agree - The creation club has totally backfired on them and it along with Fallout 76 and the manner in which they treat the modding community who has kept them afloat all this time has finally started to really destroy them. I know plenty of talented modders who used to do mods for Elder Scrolls and Fallout games leave the community because of how Bethesda has treated them.

  5. 8 hours ago, iddy1994 said:

    I understand what you mean by the concept of Crash bandicoot, i think it was all the colours and sound effects that stuck with you as a kid that's what probably makes you feel that way. Even spyro as well

    As @Alyxx said the game does have a lot of charm to it and I do remember that bridge as well. I do believe it was stage 12: the road to nowhere - There were warthogs running on the bridge as well...really weird.

  6. 11 hours ago, DC said:

    What's going on guys? Happy for the weekend and excited to watch the NFL playoffs!

    Chilling just like you and also had to tend to a cut my dog got this morning. Not the biggest Nfl fan but all I know is Cowboys suck! 😂

  7. 1 hour ago, UleTheVee said:

    I just love this game way too much and I've had an excellent time. Even though it's not much, 30 minutes was enough to get a great experience out of the demo. What were your thoughts on it?

    I feel they should have gone with the first person styling of Resident Evil 7 but otherwise it did look way better and thank the heavens they never went with the fixed camera like the original Resident Evil 2. Based on the complete walkthrough I watched, it was a very solid teaser - I am definitely going to get the official game.

  8. 22 minutes ago, mont86 said:

    Isn't most of this common place in all games now?

    No, Mont it actually isn't. With games like Fallout 76, PUBG and Battlefield V along with others too numerous to name, it seems an uphill task for most developers nowadays. They are only interested in milking the consumers, they have almost no interest in creating a quality experience for the players.

  9. 7 hours ago, Alyxx said:

    Yeah on second though... maybe not lol

    No, the Switch needs Alien - Isolation. I can just imagine it now...people would probably sue Nintendo for allowing such a game be on their platform and it would be breaking consoles - literally...😂

  10. Crash Bandicoot is that one game I just can't get why I even like it but I absolutely love it. I mean, the voice acting is hilarious and crash is one crazy dude but the bosses weren't really all that and the gameplay itself was just being a spinning bandicoot with the occasional mini-game here and there. I just can't pinpoint what makes it so special...Spyro on the other hand...

  11. On 1/10/2019 at 2:31 AM, UleTheVee said:

    Definitely Solid Snake. His cause was always to fight for whatever he believed in. Not only that but he always had great standards and all the way through the end he yearned to live the life of a normal person. Second best is Raiden, despite the fact that Raiden was heavily disliked because he stole the spotlight from snake. A lot of gamers end up relating to him because .. Well, he played VR missions and is a huge dork. Much like how other gamers became snake through those VR missions.

    Raiden also learned to finally make a name for himself and to fight those who say command his every move. It definitely has halped that in MGS4 he basically becomes his own man and in Revengeance, he basically becomes way more charismatic.

    I would have said Solid Snake because he is a very close second and I agree with all your points. To me, it was Gray Fox because if you played the games before Metal Gear Solid on the original Playstation, he played a big role in the war in the Zanzibar Land saga both aiding him and fighting Solid close to the end of the game. It was the battle with Solid that ironically started to awaken Gray Fox's consciousness and that is what ultimate leading to him gaining some sort of redemption before dieing.

  12. On 1/10/2019 at 2:32 AM, UleTheVee said:

    Neku Sakuraba. The entire plot of The World Ends With You revolves around this kid from Shibuya. The guy just tries to find his way through the perilous position he's in. Often aiding characters like Shiki, Joshua and Beat through their own issues. Of course, he also plays a much bigger role which I definitely am not going to spoil. But overall, Neku is a pretty great guy when you get to know him.

    Sounds very interesting and the fact that him helping certain characters can alter the games story - very interesting indeed.

  13. On 1/10/2019 at 3:13 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    Do you ever find yourself surprised by how differently you process moral decisions in video games than other people?

    Like the other day, I finished Dragon Age: Awakening for the first time, and got curious what other players did in a situation where I thought a moral choice was easy and straightforward. I was surprised that my decision was actually the minority choice.

    On the other hand, there are sometimes moral decisions which I’ve struggled over in games which probably seemed clear-cut to others.

    Anyone else ever surprised by this sort of thing? I think it’s really cool how you can find out more about the different ways people process their decisions by examining what they do in games.

    I do not like it when the morality choices are straightforward because that is extremely boring - sometimes I choose to be a douche on purpose because the good ending is so...boring. I like it when the choices are very complicated, as it really immerses you in the experience and actually feel like your actions matter.

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