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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Excitebike was awesome! Speaking of Motorsports - does anyone remember Jet Moto for the PS1 with the hoverbikes?
  2. Metal Gear Rising Revengeance for PC (funny enough, the only Metal Gear game for the PC I hadn't played yet)
  3. And also Cyberpunk 2077 - I think RDR 2 is supposed to come out on PC this year so I'm also looking forward to that.
  4. Well the remake is a recent game and it is an upgrade on the original in every way so that's why I chose to include it.
  5. Most of these triple A game publishers are the most notorious tax evaders just like many of the large corporations around the world.
  6. I'm still confused as to what this game is going to be about but it's a Kojima game so I know it will be a quality experience.
  7. If Destroy All Humans remake is coming out this year, I'm definitely buying that. I'm also looking forward to PES 2020 as well - those are the two I can name off the top of my head.
  8. Mortal Kombat Trilogy and Armored Core
  9. Poke Fairy and Final Fantasy Record Keeper
  10. Pro Cycling Manager 2019 and PES 2019
  11. Fallout 4 and Poke Fairy
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