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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Ok Dylan, why you getting so mad? Well the story could be amazing but most gamers tend to prioritize the gamplay mechanics but if it is in fact like fnaf, then it is likely not going to appease most people but we will wait and see...
  2. If it gets announced at E3 by...oh wait, Sony isn't going to be at E3 this year and this is one of their biggest and most popular game exclusives so I find that very odd but they could announce it at some other convention as well...
  3. Except I don't eat ham lol. I have no problem being part of the Pizza gang though 🤣
  4. And add the fact that everyone is so freaking sensitive - Social media has created a generation of snowflakes.
  5. Good for you mate. I hope you both stay together because those kinds of relationships can be pretty rough and it takes a lot of committment on both sides for it to work.
  6. You should try a smartwatch Dylan - believe me, you will like it. You just have to remember to charge it every 4-5 days and you'll be good to go.
  7. I also love their cheesy breadsticks with the tomato sauce as well to go with my pizza. I just ate lunch too -_-.
  8. I actually had pizza on my mind when I was posting these topics and I agree about pineapple on pizza is heavenly!👍
  9. I'm single and happy and not looking to get into a relationship because I find it too time-consuming. I'm good with one-night stands and no strings attached relations when it comes to women as I am not in that frame of mind to settle down.
  10. I am on most social media platforms but I hardly spend time on them unless it relates to business or talking with friends. I find that social media is full of too much drama and other crap I can't be assed about so I tend to avoid it nowadays.
  11. I subscribe to this method as well except my savings/emergency are the 30% and my luxuries are the 20%.
  12. I am not going anywhere near Andromeda...
  13. It's still just speculation - one person calling it doesn't mean a thing. She got a heads-up about a game release a couple of times but it doesn't mean she has any contacts with the developers of the Last Of Us.
  14. That's a very good question to be fair... This has all the makings of a flop. My expectations of anything good coming out of this release is non-existent.
  15. It's fine but what I am really looking out for is AMD's presentation - the Navi GPUs and the new zen processors are going to create waves when they are announced.
  16. It's not like I have definitely decided on it, I just said their laptop looks impressive...
  17. I did eat dinner before I came up with this thread ironically but it seems that I finished digesting it already -_-.
  18. But maybe you want to try something a bit more...luxurious 😂
  19. Me personally, I'd go for a lifetime supply of twinkies
  20. Great choice...too bad I mainly eat chicken and maybe turkey.
  21. Yeah, there are quite a few ones like that. You can find them all over eBay and Amazon.
  22. By now, most of them would drop to around the $70 price point.
  23. Their laptop is pretty powerful and I am looking for a new gaming laptop because my current gaming laptop has trouble rendering some videos that I do and it seems to take forever.
  24. I love barbeque chicken pizza with the pineapple on it - yum! and with extra crust...I am getting hungry right now 🤣
  25. The first generation of branded smartwatches are still useful enough and are extremely affordable.
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