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Posts posted by killamch89

  1. 12 hours ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    There are risks that come with Marijuana however medical use should be legalised. The drug should be available under prescription for people who will benefit medically. It shouldn't be sold to anyone else as it can be abused easily which has negative health side effects. 

    Although I agree to a certain extent, you can say that about most substances as well. There are prescribed drugs that have way worse side effects than anything Marijuana can remotely cause and yet it is interesting that most countries choose to ban Marijuana.

  2. 12 hours ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    PC for me. Generally speaking, I'm an active forum poster on various forums and I find it easier to type aswell as looking and correcting any grammar or punctuation mistakes I have made. Usually, I will multi-task and switch between devices so therefore sometimes I will use my telephone to surf the internet. 

    I tend to be around my computer editing videos and other stuff so I tend to use my PC a lot more.

  3. 12 hours ago, xXInfectedXx said:

    Not a big fan of takeaways so I will eat pizzas a couple of times a month, at the most. You have to be in the right mood and I don't want to be eating to much because it will affect my figure. Pizza Hut - Lunchtime Buffet is my favourite as the offer  "eat all you want" sounds a good deal for £7.50

    Even though I don't eat a lot of pizza either, my high metabolism ensures I will burn it off.

  4. I have thought about it when I was much younger but I always thought about when I got older and didn't want the tattoo or maybe I just grew bored of it after a couple of years. Removing it would cost way more and would be painful.

  5. On 1/6/2019 at 12:22 AM, DC said:

    I try to attend a couple games per year for my favorite sports teams. I find that watching the games on HD TV to be a better expensive. It's cheaper (sometimes free) and can stay home (not have to deal with traffic, loud arenas, trips to the restroom, eating sub-par food).

    And not to mention being caught in the middle of some random brawl that might break out between rival fans or some drunk guys...

  6. On 1/6/2019 at 2:46 PM, DC said:

    You’re a new addition to the crayon box. What color would you be and why?

    I would be a fiery orange because I have always found the orange color in flames very enchanting.

  7. According to some reliable leaks released within the last month, AMD are going to announce the next generation of Zen processors featuring one that can be overclocked to 5GHz safely - I mean this is a first. This particular chip is set to destroy the Intel I9 processor in power and speed while being significantly cheaper and the other processors are also pretty impressive, to say the least. Do you think AMD can finally re-take their position as the best chipset makers just like a decade ago?

  8. 6 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    It's pretty easy to avoid games with advertisements on the mobile platform, to be fair. Just avoid those cheaply made games by developers that are available for free. Make sure to check the reviews for the game, usually there's always one person complaining if they have advertisements on the game lol. I'm not sure I can even think of any extremely good games that have advertising pop-ups in their game.

    I have come across a few in a few paid games but they were for deals relating to items in that specific game and I have no issues with that. It also didn't appear all the time so it wasn't annoying or intrusive.

  9. 6 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    I played it a while back and I liked it quite a bit. I also played Fortnite on mobile but because of the building aspect, that game is not great on mobile. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, on the other hand, was quite fun. I won a few matches and it was a pretty good experience. I know that quite a lot of people complain about the gaming experience on PC and console so the stable connection and gameplay is great to experience on mobile.

    Funny thing is I am encountering the same problem on the Mobile version as the PC version with all these chinese bots/hackers/modders.

  10. 2 hours ago, StaceyPowers said:

    What is the best DLC you ever played for any game ever?

    On a related note, what would you say was the best value DLC you ever played (i.e. quality added to the game in relation to cost)?

    That's a difficult one because of the sheer number of games I have played but I am going to go a bit old school for this one - Age Of The Empires II the conquerors would probably top my list just because it added 4 new factions that had more unique military forces than the original factions which made for hours of entertainment.

  11. 2 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    The last game that I played was Rocket League. I've always wanted to get the game but have always held back because of the fact that the game was free just before I got my PlayStation 4 and it always felt annoying to pay for the game lol 😄 . But I finally got over it and bought it. I'm glad I did because it has been extremely fun and I'm loving playing against other people online.

    I might give it a shot myself.

  12. On 1/6/2019 at 4:26 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    Fetch quests, i.e. “Fetch me a bucket,” are pretty much the standard filler for open world games.

    They’re repetitious, and a lot of people complain that they’re dull. But I know some people who can’t get enough of them.

    Do you love fetch quests or hate them?

    While I don't exactly like them, they are useful for beginners to earn some cash to buy some starting gear to help themselves out.

  13. 1 hour ago, StaceyPowers said:

    For those here who play or have played MMOs, what are your worst horror stories about terrible administrators?

    They once banned me from champions online for mistaken identity before I presented the evidence to them and I got my account back.

  14. 5 hours ago, DarthHazard said:

    Oh yeah. It's just something that you hoped would never have come into the gaming industry but it looks like it's here. The thing is, the gaming community can come together and we won't accept these types of practices. Look at Star Wars Battlefront 2. The whole community came together and we got the in-game microtransactions/loot boxes removed because of the huge backlash.

    Don't worry, there is way more backlash coming EA and Bethesda's way so they better prepare themselves.

  15. On 1/6/2019 at 2:40 PM, StaceyPowers said:

    lol, no kidding. It's so shamelessly buggy that I almost swear that is part of its charm.

    And Bethesda's habit of selling us unfinished buggy games has caught up to them at last. This Fallout 76 thing is really going to leave a stain on their reputation for years to come and they don't have as much resources and fame as EA to stay afloat after a few bad games.

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